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Monday morning comes too soon but seeing Wyatt can't come soon enough. Without even asking, he's outside my house at 7:00. I guess this is the new normal.
The day starts as usual, being stared at in the parking lot, being stared at in the halls. Until second period when Frankie texts in our group chat, even though we're all in the same room.
F: we need to talk at lunch
Q: that's not ominous at all...
E: what happened???
F: it's no big deal just need to tell you something
Eva and I are trying to get Frankie's attention without drawing the attention of the teacher but she just keeps ignoring us. Kam hasn't said anything in the chat, she's writing notes feverishly in her notebook.
The next two classes seem to go on forever before finally making it to the cafeteria. I don't even get food, I go straight to the table where Frankie, Kam and Wyatt already sit.
Frankie is giving Wyatt the stink eye and Kam looks like she might cry at any second. I can read body language well enough to know they don't want Wyatt here for whatever conversation needs to be had.
"I beat you," Wyatt says when I sit down.
I smile slightly. "Hey, do you mind not eating with us today? No offense, there's just something the four of us need to talk about."
Wyatt nods and picks up his backpack. "Girl talk, say no more."
Frankie rolls her eyes. He lost points with that gendered statement.
"Meet you at the car later?" He asks, picking up his tray.
"Sure," I say, nodding.
He smiles at me, then at Kam and Frankie and Eva, where she materialized across the table. He walks through the door that leads outside and I can't help wondering where he's going.
"Ok, spill," Eva says, bringing my attention back to them.
Frankie takes a deep breath. "I've just been feeling really bad since Friday night, basically forcing you to come clean about your feelings," she says, looking at me. "When I've been hiding my own."
"What do you mean?" Eva asks, though Frankie's clearly talking to me.
For a second, I'm nervous that Frankie is going to say she has feelings for me. That she's been so moody toward Wyatt because she's jealous of him. I don't want her to say that because I know what I'd say back. I love Frankie but I just don't see her that way. I'd hate for that to ruin our friendship.
"I also have feelings for someone," Frankie says, looking down at the table, her voice quiet.
God, help me.
"Me too," Kam says softly.
I blink and then Frankie and Kamiya's hands are laced together on top of the table.
Eva screams like she's at a BTS concert. "Shut up," she yells.
Kam shushes her and Frankie just smiles.
I let the air out of my lungs. "For real?" I ask, a smile creeping across my own face.
Kam nods and Frankie brings the back of Kam's hand up to her lips. I remember when Wyatt asked me if they were a thing. Has it been that obvious and we've just been ignoring the signs?
"Oh my god," Eva continues, out of breath. "How long? Why didn't you tell us? Kiss her, I don't believe you."
They just laugh at her. "A couple months. We weren't sure if it was going to be anything. We're not kissing in the cafeteria," Kam says, calmly answering all of Eva's questions.
"Well, I'm happy for you," I say and mean it.
"Sorry I didn't have a whole coming out thing, I was kind of figuring it out as I went," Kam says.
"Please," I say, with a wave of my hand. "That's how it should be. You don't need to come out, you just need to be you."
"That's what I told her," Frankie says, using her free hand to tap Kam's nose.
Now that it's out in the open, it's so obvious. I wonder if it's always been like this or if they just feel more comfortable now that they've told us. Either way, they're adorable.
Eva keeps asking questions, some she probably shouldn't even ask. My mind is racing with thoughts of happy couples. I imagine us all sitting outside somewhere, Kam leaning up against Frankie, Eva sitting between the legs of someone who I don't recognize and then there's me. At first I'm alone and then suddenly Wyatt is there, taking my hand and pulling me into his arms.
"Are you hearing this?" Eva asks, bringing me back to now. "They had their first kiss that week in summer when we were both on vacation!" Eva's voice is so high I'm sure there's a dog howling somewhere nearby.
"Really?" I say, trying to sound interested but my mind is still elsewhere. In some fairytale universe where we're all a little older and in love.

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