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    "He paid," Eva practically yells. "That makes it a date."
    "It was free," I say, my voice hushed, hoping she'll take the hint. "We both left tip money. It was not a date, we're just friends."
    Eva shuts our clarinet locker and reveals Wyatt's face. Eva jumps and lets out a yelp.
    "QB," he says, extending his closed fist to me, which I tap my knuckles against. "Eva," he says, moving his hand so it's in front of her.
    Eva's eyes widen and her hand shakes slightly before she touches her knuckles to his.
    "See you ladies later," Wyatt says as he passes us and walks out the door.
    "I hate you," Eva says once she recovers from shock. "How can you be just friends with him! And why does he know my name, what did you say about me?"
    We walk out into the hallway and I catch a glimpse of Wyatt's back before he walks into his classroom. "I told him he should've asked you out instead of me."
    "What did he say? Don't lie," she says, assuming that he said something negative about her and I would try to protect her feelings.
    "He said he likes me because I'm smart and quiet," I say, softly. "He wanted a break from his usual friends."
    Eva sighs. "If only I were quiet."
    We both laugh as we walk into Mrs Douglas' room.
"You'll never guess who talked to me," Eva says, emphasizing the word me, as she sits in her seat.
    "I think we can stop playing that game now, we know who you're referring to," Frankie says.
    "Yeah but he talked to me," Eva clarifies. "He fist bumped me."
    "Please tell me you're going to wash that hand eventually," Kam says, no doubt remembering the time Eva did a community theater production of Annie and she had a crush on the kid who played Warbucks. She didn't wash her hands for two weeks after the show closed.
    "Well, now that Quinn and Wyatt are friends," Eva says, putting air quotes around friends, "I'm sure I'll have more chances to touch him."
    "Friends, huh?" Frankie asks, skeptically.
    "Just friends," I solidify. "I made that clear before I even got out of his car."
    "And he's cool with that?" Frankie asks.
    "Yes," I say, almost offended by her accusation. "He's perfectly fine with being just friends. He has plenty of other girls to hook up with."
    Frankie nods but still doesn't look convinced. I think of the perfect way to show them all what Wyatt and I's relationship really looks like.
    I pull out my phone and send a text to Wyatt.
Q: eat lunch with us?
W: see you then

    Eva, Frankie and Kam sit across the table, quiet and wide eyed. Wyatt's next to me, shoving French fries into his mouth. After I did quick introductions, no one has really said anything.
    The girls look back and forth from me to Wyatt. Frankie looks more annoyed than anything, Kam seems the most embarrassed and Eva is a mix between thrilled and furious. I didn't tell them he was eating with us, he just showed up with a tray and sat down.
    "Did you tell them how great Mario's place is?" Wyatt asks, mouth full.
    "Yeah," I say, even though I don't think I did.
    "We should go back," he says, "all of us."
    "I'd love that," Eva says, too quickly. Her voice startles Frankie and Kam, finally getting their eyes to look away from Wyatt and over to her.
    "It'll probably have to be next week, I've got to stop eating shitty with the match coming up," Wyatt says, drowning a chicken nugget in bbq sauce.
    "Oh, because this is so healthy," I say, gesturing to his tray.
    Wyatt leans over and hits his shoulder against mine, smiling. "Shut up, this is my last meal before the meet."
    "You won't eat anything for a week?" I ask.
    "Just protein shakes and raw vegetables. Depending on how my weight holds up, I might be able to indulge a few days before the meet."
    "Is that healthy?" I ask.
    "You worried about me?" Wyatt retorts with a fake look of adoration.
    Without thinking I shove his arm playfully. When I drop my hand, I glance across the table at the three sets of eyes that have somehow gotten bigger.
    "It's probably not that great but I do my best. Drink a lot of water, lots of protein. I'm probably missing a bunch of other vitamins and shit but it all comes back in the off season," Wyatt explains.
    "Do you have an off season? Don't you play soccer?" I ask, because I'm the only one that seems to be able to keep the conversation going.
    "Obsessed much?" Wyatt jokes.
    I roll my eyes.
    He laughs. "Weight doesn't matter for soccer, as long as I stay in good enough shape to be able to run back and forth a million times, I can eat whatever I want."
    I nod, unable to find words to say to that.
    Wyatt throws his last chicken nugget in his mouth and chews. "You need a ride home later?" He asks.
    Eva audibly gasps but I don't think Wyatt notices "Yeah, sure. The bus is super annoying."
    "I hate the bus," Eva groans.
    "I have room for all of you," Wyatt says, looking across the table and giving the girls his pained, lopsided smile.
    "Really?" Eva beams. "That would be awesome."
    "Gee, thanks," Frankie says, deadpan.
    Kam nudges Frankie with her elbow. "Thank you," she says to Wyatt.
    "Meet you guys in the parking lot after the last bell," Wyatt says while reaching his knuckles out to each of us then he grabs his things and leaves the table.
    "See," I say as soon as Wyatt is out of sight. "Nothing going on between us."
    Frankie snorts, Kam looks anywhere but at me and Eva of course speaks her mind. "Tell that to the chemistry still lingering in the air."
    "What are you talking about?"
    "You two already look like you're dating, with the play fighting and the goo goo eyes," Frankie explains.
    "There were no goo goo eyes," I protest. "I act the same way with him that I do with you."
    "I wouldn't say that," Kam says, surprising even herself. "I just mean the dynamic is a little different. He's a boy, we've been your friends for years. You may think you're acting the same but in order to adhere to the change in audience, your actions are different."
    "Leave it to Kam to make it sound like a science project," Frankie says, hitting Kam's shoulder with her own.
    "Look we're not pressuring you," Eva starts. "I for one love this new friendship. Maybe he'll be able to get me a date to homecoming."
    "You can ask him later," I say, dismissively.
    "Maybe Jack? I know he's not dating anyone but he might still have a date. Will you ask for me?" Eva rambles on.
    I'm ready to change the subject. My plan to show them how normal Wyatt and I are together backfired. I just hope it's in their heads and not noticeable to anyone else, especially Wyatt.

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