202- Extending a Helping Hand

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Ch202 – Extending a Helping Hand

Fortunately, Bai Yichen also knew that he couldn’t tease him too much, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to play around like this anymore in the future.

So he didn’t continue to “bully” Huangfu Jin and nodded in acceptance. “That’s good too. I’ve never addressed someone younger than me as a ‘brother’, and since Ah Jin is so sincere and especially made a detour to come to the Bai residence to visit me, I naturally won’t be so inconsiderate. Why don’t Ah Jin call me Bai Dage from now on ba?”


Huangfu Jin has never met such a shameless man before. He took a deep breath, revealed his rows of white teeth and sneered, “Bai Dage.”

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Bai Yichen nodded and looked at Huangfu Jin with a gaze one would use when looking at a puppy. “Good boy.”

Huangfu Jin almost shuddered. Now that it has come to this, he had already forgotten that his original intention for coming was to admonish Bai Yichen for his wrongdoing. Right now, his mind was filled with the unfathomable idea that he, the honourable young lord, had suddenly gotten a ‘Ge’ out of nowhere.

Bai Yichen didn’t give Huangfu Jin the chance to snap out of his daze. He continued asking, “Has it been difficult to deal with recent affairs in the city lord manor?”

Huangfu Jin casually responded, “They’re mostly okay; there are just some troublesome ones that aren’t easy to deal with.”

“What kind of troublesome ones?” Bai Yichen said, “You can talk about it with me.”

Just as Huangfu Jin was about to say “what does it have to do with you,” he heard Bai Yichen continue, “If that’s convenient. After all, I’ve eaten rice for a hundred more years than you, so I do have more experience.”

“…” Could you stop reminding me that you’re part of my grandfather’s generation like this? That feeling is a real pain in the ass.

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Huangfu Jin wanted to curse again, but he still had to maintain his demeanour as the young master of the Huangfu family and the young city lord of Sky Peak City.

Huangfu Jin smiled slightly. “Just some internal disputes in the Huangfu family. I won’t talk about it, lest it troubles Young Master Bai.”

Bai Yichen sighed again, looking oh so very upset and disheartened. “You’re calling me Young Master Bai again. Looks like you’re set on distancing yourself from me ah.”

Huangfu Jin’s expression cracked in an instant and he immediately got up. He clasped his hands together. “Bai Dage, you’re thinking too much into it. I just remembered that I still have some matters to attend to for my family, so I’ll take my leave first; I’ll pay you a visit again some other day.”

After he spoke, Huangfu Jin turned around and left.

Bai Yichen could barely stop himself from grinning. He raised his hand and Bai Wuxia, who had been hidden somewhere, jumped out.

“Send him off ba, else he won’t be able to make his way out.” Bai Yichen said.

“I thought Young Master would want to see him bumping into walls in Dustfall courtyard and not managing to find a way out.” Bai Wuxia had naturally heard their conversation. He really felt a little sad at how his own family’s young master would tease a younger one like that.

Bai Yichen smiled. “What kind of misunderstanding do you have about me? I was just joking with him. It’s not like I could really let him condemn me as grandly as he wants, right?”

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