Chapter 15: The Memory

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"Asriel, Dear, can you come here for a minute?" She called out.

"I'm coming, mom!" Asriel ran down the corridor and into the dining room.

Toriel looked down at her son and smiled softly, "Hello, Dear."

Asriel hugged his mother in glee before giving her a curious look.

"So, what's going on mom?" Toriel was about to speak when she seemed to realize something.

"Oh, where is your sibling, Dear?" Asriel thought for a minute.

"They said they were going to hang out with dad, why?" Toriel chuckled.

"Don't worry, I just wanted to know where they were, now I think you know why I called you 

here." Asriel took a second before realizing what his mother was talking about.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot I was going to hang out with my friend today!" Toriel crouched down and put her hand on her son's shoulder.

"Dear, I know you said they're a good monster, but when will you tell me who they are?" Asriel had a sad look on his face.

"But... they don't want me to tell you." Toriel stood up.

"Alright my child, just as long as your safe, okay?" Asriel nodded as Toriel opened the side door.

"Be back soon, dear." Asriel ran off while waving behind him to his mother.

"I will!"

Asriel ran around New Home in search of his unknown friend. While he was there he was getting weird looks from monsters who roamed the area.

"Oof, I'm sorry!" Asriel looked up and saw a Loox.

"Watch it, wait aren't you the king's son?!" They backed away nervously.
"Y-Yeah... why are you backing up...?" The Loox then ran away with a shrill shriek, as if Asriel had just threatened him.

"W-What... d-did I do something wrong?" He was startled when he felt something touch his head.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Asriel turned around and smiled brightly.

"Sans!" Sans laughed.

"Hey Az, but um, why were you upset?" Asriel looked down so he wouldn't notice his tears.

"Az, why are you crying..?" Sans bent down and lifted his head to face him.

"A Loox ran away from me when they found out I was the prince." Sans eyes went dark and started to stand back up.

"Don't mind them, now come on I'll buy you some nice cream." Asriel smiled.

"Wait, where is your baby brother, you usually bring him with you?" Sans smile faltered.

"He's with someone, so don't worry." Asriel shrugged it off and they went on their way.

Asriel just finished his frozen treat when Sans got a phone call.

"Hello... oh... and what do you want me to do about it? Fine, I'll be there soon." He hung up and turned to Asriel.

"Sorry Az, but I have to head... home... now, alright?" Asriel sighed and smiled.

"It's okay, but we'll hang out soon right?" Sans nodded.

"Of course and next time I'll bring Papy, now it's time for you to get back." Sans smile was the last he saw before getting sent to the front of the palace.

"I better go find mom." Asriel ran into the palace and ran around throughout the corridors until he found someone in the war room.

"Huh..." He peeked through the cracked door and saw his father holding something. Something that radiated an anonymous blue glow. Asriel was going to go in but stopped in disbelief when he heard his father's words.

"5 more... We just need 5 more and then all of monsterkind can be free."

The king spoke in a deep and solemn voice.

"Of course... your majesty." A soft voice came from the left of the room.

"Oh, You may go now." The voice was revealed to be an elemental monster, except they weren't 

wearing any armor nor did they even look old enough to be a part of it.

They exited the room, but once they saw Asriel they grabbed his hand and pulled him along with them until they were far from the room.

"Young prince... did you hear the conversation..?" Asriel nodded as tears began to form in his eyes.

"Shh... please calm down." He backed up.

"W-Who even are y-you!" They sat down.

"I'm... Grillby, Sans... told me a bit about you." Asriel perked up at the mention of his friend.

"You know S-Sans?" Grillby nodded as he started to lift his head and looked at something behind the prince.

"You both need to get out of here now!" Sans was standing there with a fearful expression.

"Sans, aren't... you supposed to be at the lab?" Sans nodded quickly before repeating himself.

"But... why?" Sans didn't dare to take a second to respond and transported them.

They arrived at a snowy area in the underground, Sans expression had changed, it was now full of guilt and remorse.

"Sans what... is going on?!" Sans helped his friends up.

"The Royal Majesty will be busy for a while..." Sans flinched when his phone rang.

"Be careful you two and G please take care of Papy for a while." Sans vanished before Grillby could get another word in.

"Your Majesty... you called." Sans bowed before standing to face the king.

"You know what to do." Asgore opened his cape to reveal a bright yellow soul.

"Right away... Your Royal Highness." Sans obtained the soul before exiting the room.

"He did it again... tch... and Queen Toriel doesn't even have a clue." Sans vanished once more before reappearing in a makeshift lab.

Sans walked up a few steps and made his way into a crooked elevator. He pressed a button and began his descent.

"The true lab... hasn't even been that long." He walked towards an old desktop with a large screen above it, "Where is it."

Sans held out his free hand and a small container appeared in his hand. He opened it and let the soul drift inside the small tube.

"I could just set it free and tell Asgore that it was just too weak, but then he would get mad and we'd be no closer to escaping this place... but it's not like I care about leaving."

Sans knew he would have to turn it over soon enough since the royal guard did still exist and if he disobeyed the king he would be seen as a traitor.

"Flynn... it's... time."

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