Chapter 19

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"...And thats basically it. I'm self-concious, I have anxiety, probably depression too. I don't want to worry you though." She told me, looking up and smiling weakly.
I looked at her in shock.
"...All of this...happened to you..?" I whispered, just loud enough for Momo to hear.
"Yes, but its not something you need to worry about. I'm fine now, I dont really visit them and they never contact me, so there's a good thing" Momo replied.
I immediately hugged the raven-haired girl and cried quietly.
"Im so sorry, I never thought any of this happened to you!" I said through my tears.
Momo was shocked.
"" She whispered.
"Of course I care, I love you and I need to know these things so I can make you feel loved!" I replied, hugging her tighter.
Momo hesitated for a few moments, then hugged me back.
"Do you want to go back to the dorms?" She asked me.
I stopped hugging her and nodded. I held Momo's hand the whole way back.

When we got back we agreed to meet up in a few hours. Mina was hosting a sleepover, so we decided to join. I got changed into pajamas, got a pillow and made my way to Mina's dorm.
I knocked on the door and got an answer almost immediately.
"Jirou! You're here!" Mina said excitedly. "Come in, come in!"
She took me inside with the other girls. I looked around and saw Momo, Uraraka, Hagakure, and Tsu. Me and Mina sat down and started talking with everyone.
"So, what does everyone wanna do first?" Mina asked.
"How about we turn some music on?" I suggested.
"Great idea! What should we put on?" She asked.
We all thought for a few minutes, then Momo suddenly spoke.
"Well, there's a song i like called Sweater Weather. How about that?" She suggested.
"Oooo, that sounds cool! I'll put it on" Mina said, grabbing her phone.
Soon enough, we heard the lyrics make their way through the air.
"Cause its too cold..." I heard.
I looked over to see Momo swaying to the music. I sighed, knowing this was the perfect moment for her. After what she'd been through, she deserved a break. I soon got interested in the song and added it to one of my playlists, and we all talked more. Soon enough we had all fallen asleep.

The next morning we woke up and went back to our dorms after getting changed. We had all promised we would turn different ways and wouldn't look at eachother, but I may have manage a few peeks at Momo. I got to my dorm and immediately texted the chat.
"Anyone wanna help me get ready for prom?" I texted.
"Y E S" Mina replied, followed by a series of messages all agreeing to help. Momo also asked who wanted to help her, and we both got half our class to help us. A few moments later my classmates came bursting through my door.
"LETS GET YOU READY" Mina yelled.
"Jeez calm down" I told her, as she covered her mouth.
"Sorry sorry, you guys are just our favorite class couple!" She apologized.
The rest of my friends nodded in agreement.
"Well- let's go then?" I said.
"Yeah! I know the PERFECT place to get your dress and stuff!" Uraraka mentioned.
"Lets go you extras!" Bakugou yelled, leading us all out the door.

A few minutes later, we got to the shop. It was a bigger place, dedicated to dresses, makeup, hair products, etc.
"Lets get started!" Mina shouted, dashing into the store.
The rest of my classmates followed her. Bakugou grabbed one of my arms and led me inside, with Midoriya grabbing the other.
They soon sat me down on a chair and went to find things that would suit me. I felt like I was in a movie, minus the awkwardness of sitting on a chair alone.
A few moments later, my classmates started coming back. When they were all back, everyone looked at what eachother had chosen and chose the best dresses and products for me to try on. They ushered me into a changing room and gave me the outfits, and we had a mini fashion show.

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We all decided on the last one, as the others were a bit too much for me

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We all decided on the last one, as the others were a bit too much for me. At least with that one I could wear my jacket.
Mina ended up paying for my things and we got back to the dorms. I got to my room and flopped onto my back, already exhausted from the days activities. Prom was in 4 days, and I was kind of nervous.
"I've already asked Momo, she said yes, I've got my dress, so what am I so nervous about?" I asked myself.
I put my hands on my face in frustration.
What was i so scared of...?

Word count:886
I'm so sorry for not writing lately, there have been alot if things going on in my life. I'm also sorry this is such a short chapter! I'm running out of ideas, so i might write 1-2 more chapters and thats it for this book. I hope you all understand, I will be writing other stories too, so don't worry! Thank you, and have a good day!

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