Chapter 7

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After we got back to the dorms, I laid on my bed and thought about i would ask Momo to prom. I had forgotten my original plan so I would have to come up with another one.
After brainstorming ideas, I laid in bed and tried to sleep, but I couldn't. She was still on my mind. I eventually got to sleep though, when I started thinking about music instead.
The next day, I was walking down the hallway to class. I was still trying to come up with ideas for prom, when I bumped into Present mic.
"Hey, you good kid?" He asked.
"Yeah, just thinking about something. Sorry." I replied, dusting my skirt of, as I had gotten it a bit dirty.
"About what? The prom? Its okay, its only a few weeks away. Who are you taking?" He asked me.
"Well, about that. I'm...not sure." I answered.
"Well, i hope you at least COME to it, some kids aren't coming." He said.
"Oh no, I'm coming. I'm just thinking of a way to ask someone." I said.
"Oh? Do you have a certain person in mind?" He asked me.
"Um...yeah, I do. Do you have any ideas on how to ask them?" I asked him.
"Well, what're they like?" He asked back.
"They like to follow the rules, I think they like things somewhat simple, and I dont think they want a very big proposal. A prom proposal i mean, not that type of proposal-" I said.
"Oh, of course not that type of proposal. Who do you take me for? And idiot? I'll tell you what. I'll go talk to Aizawa and see if you can skip class just once today, and if he says yes, I can help you." He said.
"That would be nice, thank you." I thanked him.
"Good! Then meet me outside on the bench by the field." He told me.
After that, we both went our separate ways. Me going to the bench, him going to Aizawa. I got to the bench and a few moments later u saw him across the field. He got to the bench and I realized he had a container or two of supplies.
"What are those for?" I asked him.
"Oh, these? These are for all my ideas!" He exclaimed.
"Oh wow." I said.
"Right? Okay, let's get to it. My first idea is..." he started.
After what felt like an hour it was time for lunch. I said goodbye and thanked him, and then I went inside. I was walking down the hallway when I saw Bakugo, Kirishima, Mina, Sero, and Kaminari messing around. I caught up to them and Mina immediately hugged me.
"Jirouuuuuuu! Where were you during class?" She asked me.
"Present mic wanted to help me with asking Yaomomo to prom, and I said yes." I answered her.
"Ohh, thats why you weren't there. Bakugo got worried!" She laughed as she looked at Bakugo, who was giving her the death glare.
"I was not!" He yelled.
"Oh really? Then why were you frantically looking around while constantly looking back at her seat?" Kaminari asked him.
"Bro, dont forget the mumbling! He was mumbling something along the lines of 'That dumbass. Where is she?'" Kirishima reminded everyone.
"Shut the hell up shitty hair! I was NOT mumbling like that fucking nerd Deku!" Bakugo yelled at him, pushing him away.
"Sureeeee" Mina said sarcastically.
"Aww, were you worried about me?" I asked him.
"I was not, headphones!" He yelled, looking down with his face red with anger.
We all laughed except Bakugo, who had hit Mina and Kirishima upside the head.
"Ow, bro. What was that for?" Kirishima asked Bakugo, rubbing the back of his head.
"Yeah, whats wrongggg?" Mina asked.
"Whats wrong? You extras won't shut up, thats what!" He yelled.
Mina made puppy dog eyes at Bakugo and everyone laughed.
We walked the rest of the way to the cafeteria and sat down at a table. Just as we sat down, I had to use the washroom.
"Hey guys, I gotta go to the bathroom real quick." I said.
"Okay, be quick!" Sero replied as I walked out of the cafeteria.
I walked down the hallway and found the bathroom, but before I could go in, I heard a voice.
"Fly me to the moon~" I heard someone sing.
I peeked around the corner and saw Momo.
"And let me play among the stars~" she continued singing.
"Let me see what spring is like-" she sang.
"On jupiter and mars~" I sang with her.
She jumped.
"Whos there?" She asked.
I walked out from behind the corner.
"Oh, hello Jirou. I didnt see you there." She said, relieved.
"You have a pretty voice. You're also good at singing, im glad you're putting it to good use." I said.
"Oh, me? No im not good at singing. Ask anyone!" She told me.
"I dont need to. Everyone would say you're really good." I said.
"Thank you. I dont usually sing because it might make it seem like I'm fishing for compliments." She said.
"Well, its okay. Your voice is really pretty anyway." I said, walking over to a stall.
After that, I walked back to the cafeteria. I walked back to the table me and the rest of us were sitting, and sat down.
"Hey guys." I said.
"Welcome back Jirou" Kaminari greeted me.
"Yeah whatever." Bakugo huffed.
"Whats wrong with Bakugo?" I asked them.
"Hes angry because you took so long-" Mina started.
"Shut up raccoon eyes. I'm not angry!" He shouted at her.
"Yeah, keep fooling yourself Bakugo." She said, rolling her eyes at him.
"Okay okay, there must some reasonable explanation Bakubro is angry." Kirishima said.
"Come on, its Bakugo we're talking about here." Sero said laughing.
"Oh shut up soy sauce! No one asked you" Bakugo said, glaring at him.
"Bakubro calm down" Kaminari told him.
"Ugh." He scoffed.
"Aaaaaanyways, where were you Jirou? You took a while" Mina asked me.
"I was in the bathroom but I saw Momo so we talked for a bit.
Bakugo's face softened a bit.
"Bakugo, you good?" Kaminari asked him.
"Yeah whatever, just glad she didn't get hurt i guess." He said under his breath.
"Wow, Bakugo's worried for once!" Mina laughed.
"Dont make me blow you all up!" He threatened.
"Okay, okay fine. Who do you guys think everyone is going with to prom?" Mina asked us.
"Icyhot said he's not going." Bakugo reminded us.
"Oh, thats sad. Well, he probably has a reason." I said.
"Yeah. Well, I think Kaminari is gonna ask a certain someone~" I teased.
"Oh, cut it out Jirou. He's probably going with someone else too. What if he doesn't even like me?" The pikachu-like boy worried.
Bakugo immediately spoke up.
"He probably does like you. Don't worry so much, dunce face." He said.
"Thanks Bakugo. That gives me more courage to ask him." Kaminari smiled.
"Good. You better not fuck it up, moron." Bakugo said as we all laughed.
Soon, we all got our food, sat back down and ate.
"So, what did I miss in class?" I asked them.
"Not too much, just an assignment or three." Sero said.
"Oh" I said, still eating my food.
"So when are you gonna ask ponytail to prom?" Bakugo asked, looking at me.
"Huh? Oh. I've been wondering how for a while." I replied.
"But didn't you have an idea a day or two ago?" Asked me.
"I forgot what it was" I answered.
"Well remember. None of us are going anywhere so if you can't ask her in time, you can always come with us" Kirishima reminded me.
"Thanks, But I think I'll ask her in time." I thanked him.
"Okay, but the offer is always open" he replied with a smile.
"Yeah okay" I smiled back.
"Okay okay thats it with the sappy shit." Bakugo said.
"Okay" I laughed.
A while later, we had finished our food, were walking down the hallway and goofing off. Actually, it was only Kaminari and Mina that were goofing off, but they were still with us.
"So, if a morgue worker dies, they'd still need to come in to work one more time." Kaminari announced.
"Oh. My. God. Kaminari how did you even think of that?" Mina asked him.
"Brain" he replied.
"Google" i replied.
He looked at me.
"What? Its literally on google" I told him as the others laughed.
"I guess shower thoughts are funny." Bakugo said.
"See? Even Bakubro thinks so" Kaminari said.
"I guess, yeah" Sero said.
"Well, I need to go get something. I'll be right back" I said.
I walked down the hallway back to the cafeteria and looked around at the table we were sitting at. I looked a bit more and found it. My special rock that I always kept with me.
I walked back to where I walked from and I saw them.
"Hey guys. Thanks for waiting for me" I thanked them.
"Hey Jirou!" Mina said.
"Whats up Mina?" I asked her.
"Well-" Mina began.
"Oi, don't ruin it! It's supposed to be a suprise goddammit!" Bakugo looked at her angrily.
"Oop! Sorry, can't tell ya" Mina told me.
"Well, okay" I replied. What could be the suprise, and was it for me?
"Well, let's get going" kirishima said.
"Good idea. Don't wanna be late!" Sero agreed.
Later, we agreed to meet up. Bakugo didn't agree at first, but we convinced him it would be fun.
I got ready and went out to wait for the others.
After a minute or two, I saw Bakugo and Kirishima talking to eachother. They seemed awkward though, as if something happened.
"Talk about sexual tension" I said.
"I-its not like that, Jirou!" Kirishima said.
"Then why are you blushing?" I said as I looked at his red face.
"Becayse you just said SEXUAL TENSION" He reminded me.
"Good point." I said. "So, what happened?"
"Well, actually-" Kirishima said.
"Oi, don't say it out loud!" Bakugo yelled, putting a hand over Kirishima's mouth.
"Bakugo, you tell him not to say it loudly but you literally YELL it. Do you really think it'll help?" I asked him.
"Oi, shut up!" Bakugo said, with his face red with embarrassment.
"Bakubro, come on. We should tell her!" Kirishima said.
"Tch, whatever shitty hair." He gave in.
"Okay Bakugo. well, We were walking down the hall to meet up with you, Mina, and Kaminari, and as we were walking, a group of girls walked by and...they kind fo bumped into us, and I sort of fell backward into Bakugo's arms because he was trying to catch me but as he caught me, we both fell down and my hand was kind of...there." Kirishima told me while covering his face.
"What did I tell you? Sexual tension." I repeated.
"Oh fuck off headphones." Bakugo said.
"Woah, whats happening here?" Kaminari asked, as he and Mina walked over to us.
"Well..." Kirishima said, explaining it again.
"Oh wow." Kaminari breathed.
"Thats cant be the WORST thats happened to any of us, right?" Mina asked us.
"Well, again, I walked face-first into Yaomomo's breasts. Which one is worse?" I asked them all back.
"Not sure. Anyways, we should get going" Kirishima said, leading the group.
"Oi, get back here! Only I get to walk in front!" Bakugo yelled after him.
"Oh those two. I swear, one day, they'll be together." I said.
"Yesssss" Mina said. "I can't wait for that day!"
As we all laughed and talked, I noticed some people were looking at us weird.
"Guys, those people are looking at us really weird." I pointed out.
"Yeah. What could they be noticing?" Sero wondered.
I looked around and my eyes stopped on Mina's dress. She was wearing a short, blue dress that said 'Friends' on it, but there was something off about it.
"Mina, there's someone on your dress." I told her.
"Oh?" She looked down.
She screamed.

Word count: 2,011

She's All That {MomoJirou}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt