Chp 1

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Son hyunwoo or his nickname Shownu walks through the hall heading towards the library of his university where his friends had promised to meet there.

After a few minutes of searching for his friends in the huge library, he walks towards them and took a sit.

His friend, Lee Hoseok or better known as Wonho, majoring in Sports and Fitness  lives up to it with having big muscles but still looks adorable somehow.

"Do you have any class after lunch break?" Wonho asked.

Shownu, who's majoring in Business, sighed and said, "I do"

Wonho had a sympathy look on his face then turned around to another friend who have been quiet the whole time and asked, "How about you?"

The friend looks up from his phone and replied with, "I don't"

Im Changkyun better known as I.M, majoring in Music Technology is that one emo friend who doesn't talk much and only spits fact.

Wonho and Shownu had become friends since their first year of high school. I.M came the year after them and the three of them had been close ever since. Even their parents think each of them as their own sons.

"I'm the only one who have class then?" Shownu asked with a sad tone.

"Yeah," both of his friends answered.

"We could wait for you," I.M offered.

"No, nevermind you guys can go back to the apartment first," shownu declined.

Both of the friends nodded then all three of them proceed to go to the cafe in the uni to take a bite before separating ways.

Both of the friends nodded then all three of them proceed to go to the cafe in the uni to take a bite before separating ways

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TW: violence bullying

"Yow, ugly face," a boy shouted

It startled an orange haired boy who is casually walking down the street to go home. He tries to speed up to not get in any trouble but the gang catch up to him as his leg is shorter than all of em.

One of them stops him with putting a hand in front of him "How dare you ignore me" he said then dragging the innocent boy by his collar and push him down an empty alleyway.

"Yoo Kihyun, could you tell me why you didn't gave me the answer for the test just now?" The boy asked.

"Th-the teacher said we couldn't cheat," Kihyun answered nervously. He is so dead today.

"Bullsht," the boy said before landing a hard punch onto his face.

"Not too hard, don't wanna damage his already ugly face," a girl member said.

"You're ugly too," Kihyun said under his breath.

He thought none of them heard him.

"What did you say?" another boy shouted.

"N-nothing," stutter Kihyun.

"You think I didn't hear that? Do you even take a look at yourself?" The boy shouted back, kicking his stomach.

"What did he say?" The girl asked.

"That you're ugly,"

The girl got instantly mad and proceed to step on Kihyun's chest countless of times until saying, "If you look at him more, then you'll understand,"

"Understand what?" one of the boy asked.

The girl spitted before saying, "why Shownu hyung doesn't want him,"

Those words.

Those words made all of the flame inside Kihyun ignited.

He got up and pushed the girl back and she fell down into a puddle of dirty water, screaming.

The boys got mad and proceed to gang beat Kihyun down until one of them decide to hit Kihyun's head so hard onto a wall.

The girl gasped as blood starts flowing down Kihyun's head onto his neck.

"Bro i think you did too much," one of the boys said,

"Whatever, he don't get to do that to my girlfriend," the boy replied.

"Let's go before someone sees," he continued.

"What about him?" Another boy asked.

"Just let him die, he doesn't deserve to live in this world really," he replied then they walk off.

Kihyun's vision is blurry. His mind can't process what had happened.

But in his head he thought, 'Will I finally die now?Is this it?'

'This would be nice at least i won't have to do it myself'

His eyes and mind closed as he heard someone shouting for help.

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