Chapter thirteen

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After finishing my "exercise" with Charlie I took a shower and blow-dried my hair. Charlie went out with Owen earlier but should be back before our plans later We plan on leaving for lunch at 1 and then go bowling with the cast at 4 so we will probably walk around downtown L.A.

Authors note: I don't know if I ever established what day it was so let's just pretend it's Saturday.

12:30 rolls around and Charlie got home 15 minutes ago. I'm just down finishing up cleaning the apartment when Charlie comes out of his room.

Charlie: Hey my love. Are you ready?

Emily: Yeah, let me just put the cleaning supplies away

Charlie: Are you nervous?

Emily: to tell our friends that we've secretly been dating behind all of their backs? Yeah I'm sure it will go great

Charlie: I think they're all going to understand. Now, what do you say we ignore that for a little while and we go on a date?

Emily: that sounds good to me.

-- Skip to lunch cause laziness --

We have been seated for 10 minutes and neither one of us can decide what we want to eat so we are just looking at the menu and talking

Charlie: I want you to freak out but there are 3 paparazzi outside filming us right now.

Emily: It's fine, we've prepared for this, we're just two friends going out for lunch together

Charlie: I can't wait until I can tell the whole world your mine

Emily: I know, me too, once we tell the cast later we can tell the world but I would prefer the cast here's it from us and not some random paparazzi

Charlie: true, we've been so careful these last couple of weeks another few hours can't hurt.

After lunch, Charlie and I walked out of the restaurant and I could tell how badly he wanted to grab my hand and lead me through the now grown crowd. Your not best friends with a Nick star for most of your life and not gain some clout.

Authors note: N E ways this story is ending soon because I honestly have no more ideas so go read derekshepardwife's stories because they are so good and I need more.

Costars? - Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now