Chapter Seven

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-- Time Skip a couple of days --

Today I'm hanging out with Owen for the first time since I moved out. Even though we've hung out as a group and during boot camp, we've never done something outside of work just the two of us. We decided we were going to go thrifting because that was something we did a lot back home.

Owen: It seems like something on your mind, what's up

Emily: I was just thinking about what life is going to be like after filming. I know we were talking about moving to New York with Savannah but would you mind delaying that move a couple of months?

Owen: Of course not, New York is still going to be there, why what's up.

Emily: Charlie was talking about how he was going to Hawaii and California after were done filming and he invited me to come along.

Owen: Ohhhh so it's not about moving you just want to be with Charlie. How long have you liked him?

Emily: Pshhh I don't know what you're talking about

Owen: E, really? I've known you since we were in seventh grade, I know when you like someone, plus I can see the way you look at him

Emily: Fine, I've really only liked him for a couple of days. How long have you liked Savannah?

Owen: How did you know?

Emily: And I quote "I've known you since we were in seventh grade, I know when you like someone, plus I can see the way you look at her"

Owen: Well I used to like her in the begging of when we were filming night squad but I really started liking her a couple of months ago when we fell asleep on facetime one night

Emily: Ohhhhh I remember that you came to my house with the biggest smile on your face after you guys hung up. That's so cute! I'm so glad your happy O

Owen: Same here E, I can tell Charlie's a good guy.

Emily: Yeah he really is.

We spent about two hours going to different thrift stores in town messing around and enjoying each other's company because we missed each other. After we were done thrifting we went to lunch and then went to Target because what else are you going to do. When we went to our own apartments I got inside and Charlie was nowhere to be found. I put all of the stuff that I bought in the washer and went to my room. I got changed into some workout clothes and grabbed my AirPods. I went into the kitchen and filled up my water bottle. I went to the gym that was in our apartment building and I was there for about an hour. After working out and Charlie was still not back. I took a shower and I was sitting in the living room reading when Charlie finally come back.

Emily: Hey

Charlie: Hey! Sorry I was out for so long Jer and I got distracted jamming

Emily: It's all good, I was just about to make dinner, do you want some?

Charlie: Yeah! What were you going to make?

Emily: I was going to make teriyaki chicken and fried rice but if you want something else then I can make something different.

Charlie: No that sounds delicious! How about I help you make it and we can go live answering some questions.

Charlie and I spent the rest of the night cooking dinner on live and messing around. After we ended the live we sat at the table goofing around and talking. After dinner, we watched a movie and then went to bed

Authors Note: We love another chapter written in french class. I'm not paying attention so if I fail then oh well. Make sure you vote and comment down below! I promise we're going to get some #Chaily content soon.

Costars? - Charlie Gillespieजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें