Chapter 69 - The Vulture

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He held up his finger toward us and then started to chug his Sprite down.

"I'll kill him," Zack grumbled.

Jack then pulled the can away and gasped for air.

"Man that hit the spot!" He cheered, then tossed the can aside. "Alright, For one, rude. He was eating." Zack growled. "Two, Lux didn't technically lie. We all thought he died."

"So what happened!" Zack roared.

Jack held up his finger and shushed Zack, who ignited his hands on fire.

"I got some new spells Snow Cone! If you don't start talking I'll try them out on you first!"

Jack smirked and pointed at Zack.

"That's it right there, you and Stryder both got upgrades right? Stuff you usually get from winning matches? Didn't you find it strange Zack you got new spells? Even though you supposedly lost?"

"Well, I didn't really think about it."

"Technically speaking you won your bet with the goddess. With that boost of your mana pool, you provided less stress on Stryder, who was able to still punch Jormungand hard enough to let Vergil and Leo blast his head off."

Zack's eyes grew wide.

"So what was with that whole Icarus gave up his life crap!?" Zack roared.

"Well that was real, he made an agreement to die for you. But the witch only did that to make fun of him." Jack grumbled. "She laughed and told him that his choice meant nothing, because Stryder accomplished it already. She did all of that extra just to crush his spirit some more."

"I'm starting to think we only won the bet so the goddess could torture Rushon some more." I sighed.

I looked over at Zack and watched him stomp over to Rushon. He snatched his collar and yanked him to his face, making Rushon drop his food.

"Tell me why."

"W-what?" Rushon stuttered.

"Why did you give up your life!?"

Rushon just looked away.

"Answer me!"

"It's just, it just seemed like the right thing to do."

"I'm not a hero! I'm not trying to change the world! I'm a selfish guy who barely knows where he's going in life! How is dying for me the right thing to do!?"

Rushon looked up into his eyes and grabbed a hold of his wrist.

"Because even if you don't intend on doing it, I've seen the lives you've changed. It's not about being perfect or wanting to change the world. I saved you because I saw value in your life, you matter to a lot of people."

Zack dropped his shirt and Rushon let go of his wrist. Then, Zack took a step back and continued to glare at him.

"I didn't ask for that ya know," Zack grumbled. "I didn't ask for any of that! I don't care about this stupid place like the rest of you idiots!"

"And that's fine, I never said you had to. It's your choice what you do with your life. Just like it's my choice to decide if I'll give up my life or not."

Rushon looked up, but this time he had his intense stare. While Zack continued to just glare at him.

"You're an idiot," Zack grumbled.

"I guess, but that's just who I am." Rushon chuckled, and softened his stare.

Zack didn't say another word, he just stomped back over to me.

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