Pain of a Junk Food Junkie: Part 10 [Deadly Life]

Start from the beginning

Chihiro thought she'd already knew, since she was recently in possession of a key herself, but upon closer examination, he remembered the key Kyoko had had Monokuma's head on it. And she likely still had it in her possession.

"Well, if I had to take a guess..." Taka said "I would say it's for the Data Processing room on the floor below..."

"What gave you that idea?" Mondo asked "the cyber shit on it?"

"A little..." Taka said "but also by process of elimination. It clearly isn't for this room, and the gate for the dormitory's second floor is far too small...I doubt it's the Headmaster's Office key, so...that just leaves the Data Processing room."

"If Taka's right, that means we can get into the Data Processing room," Chihiro said "should we go?"

"In the middle of a crime scene?" Mukuro asked.

"I know how you feel Mukuro...and it's not like we're just going to ignore and abandon Byakuya...despite our history," Taka said "but we may find some secrets and clues in the Data Processing room that can help us out."

"I'm down," Mondo huffed "c'mon, we'll be in and out, kay?"

"Alright..." Mukuro succumbed "but since we don't especially need it, let me go put this pickaxe back first..."

" ain't gonna explode when we open it, is it?" Mondo asked, as the group arrived at the room, after everyone went back to the garden and returned the pickaxe.

"Don't jinx it! You almost blew us up earlier with that bomb!" Taka snapped.

"It won't explode, trust me," Mukuro said "if the door was booby trapped, there'd be no point in entering or exiting."

To demonstrate, Mukuro herself took the key from Chihiro and approached the door. She unlocked it, opened it, and ushered everyone inside. Taka went first, then Mondo, then Chihiro, then Kyoko, and then Mukuro herself followed in and closed the door behind her.

Everyone took a good look at the new scenery of the Data Processing room. To be frank, it was rather bizarre. Of course, all the other rooms in the school couldn't exactly be considered normal by any accounts, but this was a different kind of confusing. All of the other rooms were designed to look discomforting, but for this room, the discomfort seemed to lurk in it's true form. 

"W-Woah...!" Chihiro exclaimed, his eyes falling on a wall littered with several monitors "this looks like a programmers playground..."

"These monitors..." Taka drew closer to them, scanning over them with his ferocious red eyes "they show areas around the academy...! The dorms, the classrooms, everywhere! You don't think these are-!?"

"They're feeds from the security cameras," Kyoko frowned "the footage from each of the cameras seems to be installed from around the school...look, there's the Bio Lab and Byakuya's body, just as we left it..."

Kyoko was right. She pointed towards one monitor that showed the cold room that was the Bio Lab, with Byakuya's body still laying where it had been left.

"In other words..." Kyoko continued "this room is designed to allow the Mastermind to watch over us. It's their hub of activity..."

"You mean that bastard is usin' this room to watch us like a fucking hawk?" Mondo asked "shit!"

"Well, that explains why it was locked at least..." Taka considered "but...if this is the room the Mastermind uses to watch over us...Then where the hell IS the Mastermind?"

"Does it really matter?" Mondo asked "if they ain't here, then we can figure out a way to get outta this school! Right?"

"Actually, I think we should investigate this room first," Chihiro said "it's not simply a matter of getting out. I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving this place until I figure out why this all had to happen..."

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