Ivory Coy

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Seen and featured in the story:
[AU]RWBY: The Will of Team LDOB

RWBY: The Split Paths of Destiny of Team LDOB

Haven't used this character for myself

Name: Ivory Coy
Sex: Female
Hails: Mistral
Status: Pro/Huntress in training
Species: Fox Faunus (ears and tail)
Eye color: Yellow (left) Black (right) (She has Heterochromia)
Aura color: White
Hair color: White
Length: Long
Style: straight
Skin: fair white

Black and white zipped hoodie with a smiley face on the hood part
Black shirt underneath
Black shorts
Black sneakers

Semblance: Void

Once Ivory activates her Semblance, she can nullify the effect of one's semblance or even stop one from activating it. But she can only focus on one opponent.
Note: Once an opponent makes eye contact with her, Ivory's semblance will take effect. Aura consumption depends on the target's mental strength

Weapon: dual daggers
Name: Hush-Hush

Hush-Hush is a black and white dagger, (Just a dagger, no guns) that if used properly, it can break someone's Aura with one slash and do the finishing work in an instant. The dagger is only meant for close combat so the user has to be always on it's feet and quick to move around.

Ivory is a Fox Faunus born and raised in the lower parts in The City of Mistral, unfortunately for her, she lost her voice at the age of 10 when she was attacked by some criminal in the streets, damaging her vocal cords and making her mute. After this event, Ivory took training from her father with the intention of protecting herself and and others, she aimed to be a Huntress. After years of training, she made herself a dagger which she named "Hush-Hush". Ivory, at first is a very shy girl and will most likely avoid you, but when you get to know her, she's a very protective and hyper and childish type of person. (Will literaly hug you all the time) And she always begs for head pats. But in a fighting situation, she will not hesitate to kill if it goes that way. (P.S, she's as short as Ruby Rose, maybe even smaller)

CrescentRWBY charactersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora