My phone starts ringing, making everybody look at me. I take a deep breath and take it out. I answered once I saw it was Angel.

"Yeah?" I ask, softly.

"Adaline just puked. Don't worry. It was in the toilet." I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"What about Dem? Is he still asleep?"

"Not really." I frowned. "He also puked. Like 20 minutes after her. They are laying in my bed, with a washcloth on their heads. I didn't know what to do so I immediately called you after freaking out."

"I'll be there in a minute."

"You also don't have medicine."

"Fuck. I'll pick some up. Do you need anything while I'm in the pharmacy?"

"Uh, no not really. Oh just a thing to help with the sickness. That thing sucks."

"It will suck. For a long time."

"I don't need anything else besides that."

"Is-Is that Angel? Can-Can I talk to her?" Damien asks, looking at me. I looked at him.

"Do you want to talk to Damien?" I ask, after a while. The other line went silent.

"S-Sure." I handed him my phone and narrowed my eyes.

"You make her sad, I'll beat your ass until you can't fucking breathe." He tensed up and his face paled. I raised an eyebrow.

"Y-Yeah. I-I won't make her sad." He mumbles, putting the phone up to his ear. I take my cigarettes out and put one in my mouth. I lit it and breathed it in. Someone stood next to me and I sighed.

"Don't give me your pity. I'm not in the mood for it." I say, annoyed.

"Wasn't gonna give you any considering you hate it." Julian said, with sarcasm. I rolled my eyes. "When you said your best friend was the father of your daughter, do you mean Malcolm?" I tensed up. "Sorry, if I was-"

"Yeah." He looked at me while I stared at the garage door.

"Why, uh, why didn't you tell us?"

"Was protecting them. Plus, I didn't really know you guys. Wasn't gonna risk my kids with you guys knowing about their existence. Nobody knows besides close people that I have kids. If they do, they end up dead. I take that shit seriously and I'm not about to have them be a target with other people."

"You live in Italy, right?"

"Yeah. I live in my dream house that I dreamed about having when I was younger. Malcolm bought it for me for my 16th birthday. Said something about how we're gonna grow old together and have more babies." I looked at Julian. "Then he died. With our unborn child." I whisper, finally talking about it.

My therapist always said to talk about the accident and Malcolm. What nobody knew was I was pregnant. Gwen knew. Nobody else does though. I never opened up to them about it. I didn't want to talk about the horrible event. I talked about the rape. The abuse. Anything my fucking therapist wanted but I wasn't going to talk about my unborn kid. I couldn't. I still cry when I'm in the shower. Quiet sobs so I don't disturb my other kids. It's bad enough they don't have a dad but it's even worse when they realize they had a sibling who died too.

"W-What?" Julian asks, confused. He heard me. I know he did.

"Nothing." I say, smiling. It was a small smile that hurt. I wasn't going to talk about it anymore than I had to. I couldn't talk about it. I physically couldn't.

I looked back at Damien who was hanging up. He handed it back to me, smiling.

"We're gonna meet up for coffee on Monday. Well as long as she feels good." I nod, smiling at him.

"That's good. I, uh, I have to go. I have to go pick up medicine for my kids who apparently are sick." I say, frowning. They frowned too. "I'll be in town for a couple more weeks. I have some things that I need to take care of here and in Cali."

"Will you be back?" Axel asks, softly. I looked at them. "Can we have brunch or something? With all of us? I get it if you don't want to but just think about it. You can bring your kids if you want. It's up to you. We, uh, we would like to meet them some day. Any day that's fine with you."

"It's gonna be a while. It will probably be later in the week. Uh, Angel will be back tomorrow. I don't want her getting sick even if my kids aren't sick or whatever, I still don't want her to get sick."

"We'll see you later, Maeve. Drive safe." Atticus says, smiling at me. I nod at him and get into my car. I wasn't about to forgive them any time soon. We both knew this. It would be a long while until I do.

Baby steps people. Baby steps.

How did you like this chapter? With Damien getting mad at Maeve because she wasn't mad at him?

Trust me, she's mad at him but she won't do anything. She doesn't want to fight with her brother.

Do you guys have any siblings? I do. I have one.

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