Chapter 20

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"Jack and I kissed" Regina said "but when we were little kids" she smiled "it was an accident, I was saying goodbye and I was about to kiss him in the cheek when he turned around and we kissed. it was a small, insignificant, non-important kiss" she said
"Oh" Sophie said " so that was your first kiss" she asked
"No" Regina said "I haven't given my first kiss" she smiled "a first kiss is when you are kissed or you kiss a, in this case, guy consciously" she smiled
"Besides we're best friends" Jack said putting his arm around Regina
Angela smiled and Regina noticed Leila glaring at her behind Sophie, Swag barked at Leila
"Swagger" Regina said "come here" the dog obeyed
"Swagger?" Angela asked "only Jack calls him that" she looked at Regina
"Actually Regina nicknamed him like that" Jack says smiling at Regina that was next to him
People were starting to disperse but Angela, Leila, Sophie, and Damon stayed with them
"Hey how's Meghan?" Regina asked
"You know Meghan?" Angela asked
"Yeah" Regina answered "Jack and I have been best friends, I think before birth. I knew she had 2 sisters, and recently I've discovered that you are her sister" she smiled
"Oh so you knew Meghan but you didn't know me?" Angela asked offended
"You never wanted to meet her" Jack said "I always told you to play with us and to meet Regina but you didn't want to meet her"
"Oooooooh" Angela said "now I remember" she smiled "so Regina was your princess?"
Jack blushed a little bit
"Yeah" he answered
"OMG" Angela said "you called her princess Queen" Angela smiled "I remember that, because Jack wouldn't stop talking about his beautiful princess Queen, I always got mad because, it had to be a princess or a Queen, not both"
Regina laughed and hugged Jack, Swag barked
"Look man" Jack started to tell Swag "she's the one hugging me"
Regina laughed and Swag wagged his tail
"I love you too Swagger" Regina said
People were dancing all over the house, Regina was dancing with Jack
"Let me introduce you to some friends" he yelled at her ear because the music was loud, he grabbed her hand and led her upstairs.
They walked towards a group of girls and boys, the music wasn't so aloud upstairs so you could talk normal
"Hey Jack" a girl said and the other girls giggled
"Who's this" a ginger guy asked
"I'm Regina" Regina said "who are you?" She asked the ginger guy
"Kevin" he answered, Regina rolled her eyes
'Another Kevin' she thought 'let's just hope that he isn't like the other Kevin'
"And this is Karen" Jack said pointing at a ginger girl
"You have a lot of ginger friends" Regina whispered to Jack, Jack smiled
"Yeah and I have a lot of blonde friends and brunette friends" he whispered back to Regina, she smiled at him
"Jack is my cousin" Karen told Regina, Regina turned towards her and smiled
"Oooooh no" Jack said "I know that smile, that smile means trouble" Jack put his arm around Regina and turned around
"I'll ask Angela to give you me phone number, and we can plan a prank" Karen yelled at Regina
"I have great ideas" Regina yelled back
"Great but destructive" Jack said and they went back downstairs
"It's karaoke time" Jack whispered in Regina's ear "Let's sing our song" Regina froze
"Jack I don't sing" she said "when we were little I sang like sh-"
"Language" Jack interrupted
"I sang really bad" Regina said
"Well who cares. YOLO" he grabbed her hand and pulled her on stage
"YOLO doesn't exist" Regina said before being pulled in stage
Fine by me by Andy Grammer started playing
"I'm not the type, type of girl to remain with the guy, with the guy too shy too afraid" Regina started singing, she had a beautiful voice even Jack looked at her in awe
Jack started singing too, he had an amazing voice too
"I did it" Regina said excitedly hugging Jack when they got off stage
"I know" he answered hugging her tighter "and you sing beautiful" he said breaking the hug and looking her deeply in the eyes
"You're not so bad yourself" she said looking at Jack in the eyes too
"I mean it" Jack said "you were emosewa" he smiled
"Thanks, we made an emosewa duet" Regina said, Kevin (the ginger one), Karen, Angela, Damon , and Sophie came up to them
"Regina you sing amazing" Angela said
"She's emosewa" Jack said
"What's emosewa?" Damon asked
Jack and Regina looked at each other
"If we tell them" Jack said
"We'll have to kill them" Regina finished
They both laughed
"No seriously ,what does it mean?" Damon asked again
"Emosewa is awesome backwards" Jack said
"Which makes awesome, even more awesome" Regina finished, Jack smiled at Regina
"Why are you finishing each other's sentences?" Kevin asked
"Because their lips were together once" Sophie said "now they have to finish each other's sentence"
"That......doesn't make any sense" Regina said
"What a sec" Damon said "you two kissed?" He asked a little bit angry
'Jealous much?' Regina thought
"Yeah" Regina said "but when we were like 4 or 5 years old"
"Oh" Damon said a little bit relieved
Jack put his arm around Regina
"So you're single?" Kevin asked
"As a pringle" she answered
This felt like a déjà vu to Regina, when she first met Kevin, not Ginger Kevin, the other Kevin, blonde Kevin
"Interesting" Kevin said
"No" Jack said "don't even think about it"
"Why not?" Kevin asked
"Because she's not that type of girl" Jack said
"What are you talking about?"Regina asked Jack but he kept quiet, regina asked more concerned "Jack, what is he talking about?"
"He wants to pair us up" Jack said "he wants us to be a couple"
"But we're already a couple of nuts, what other type of couple is there?" Regina asked, Jack turned towards her and tried his best to stay with a straight face, but he just couldn't, he laughed, then took a deep breath and said
"Regina, I dippin' love you" he smiled while butting his forehead on her forehead
"I dippin' love you two, Jacky Chan" she smiled
"OMG a confession" Sophie said
"No" Jack and Regina said at the same time while laughing
"We mean it as friends" Regina said
"Riiiiight" they all said at the same time (except Regina and Jack)
"So, Regina" a voice said behind Jack "tell us about yourself" when Regina turned around she saw Leila "where are you from?" She asked
"I'm from Michigan" Regina answered "my mom is Mexican and my father, well he's from California. We went to live to Michigan because of my parents work"
"I asked were were you from, not the story of your like" Leila rolled her eyes in sign of boredom
"Well you said to tell you about myself and that's what I did" Regina pointed out
"Yeah well, my daddy......" Leila started, Regina stopped listening to her and she got lost in Jack's eyes, a tear came out of her eye.....she missed her parents

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