Start from the beginning

Jack- however- had moved past it just minutes later. The only thing that botherd him was the fact he had wasted two hours of bowling against Sam. And he regretted it.

Worst two hours of his life. So far.

Dallas quickly looked away and looked right at Daniel. The two stared at each other for a few seconds, before both bursting out in laughter.

"He's just not used to losing, but he definetily likes it when a girl is not all girly and stuff. Trust me."

Dallas nodded.

"Then we should really try to get him and Sam to actually talk, because I think they are more alike than they think."

"Yup," Daniel nodded. "but still, how do we do that? We're almost done here and then they'll go back to their grumpy once we step inside the studio again."

"We need to think of something nice and comfortable. Nothing forced that you need to be in the same room, but also something where you can't sneak off unnoticed."

"Well, good luck with that with getting everyone to agree with spending more time together. Jack is not that 'enthusiastic' after losing, and Zach is already getting grumpy." He sighed while Dallas shrugged.

"Maybe it's not that bad as we think."

| meanwhile |

"Dude, she totally cheated! I mean, there's no way she actually won by herself." Zach exclaimed.

"Who cares man?" Jack mumbled with a shrug.

"Okay, why are you so chill about it?" Zach let out confused, throwing his hands around. "Just minutes earlier you were all about showing her there's no way in beating you. Like, at anything."

Jack looked up from his phone and shrugged once again.

"Bro, for real, who cares if she cheated or not? It's just some stupid game." He pointed out, even though it did still bother him a little.

But he wasn't gonna show it.

Zach huffed.

"All that matters is that we passed two hours with the girls, so just a little longer and we can finally leave." Jack stated.

"Okay, I guess you're right." Zach sighed and dropped himself next to his best friend. He looked in front of him, right at Rose who covering her mouth, laughing. "Look at her and her stupid laugh. It's not even cute, it's ugly and annoying." Jack looked at him and then at Rose.

He didn't think it sounded ugly, but whatever.

"Don't you worry about her, man. She's just a girl with attitude problems."

"Yeah, I know." Zach mumbled.

Rose looked around and her expression immidiately dropped when she noticed Zach staring at her.

The boy rolled his eyes and looked away, Rose grumbling something underneath her breath.

"Just a little longer, Rose, then you can change back in your pj's, watch cliché movies and complain about it all being too perfect." She sighed. Sam looked at her and chuckled, shaking her head a little.

"And that's why Dallas never wants to watch romance or romcoms with you."

Rose rolled her eyes.

"I'm just being realistic. No boy is gonna sing for you in the rain to admit his love for you or make up cute little dates for the two of you. And don't even get me started on the whole 'love at first sight' thing." She huffed, crossing her arms.

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