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Camielle please. Be okay... Baby please.. be okay... I'm sorry... please be okay.. Lord God please. Let her be okay.... I kept on praying while I'm on my way to the hospital. I don't know why but Jean texted me the name of the hospital where Camielle was confined now.

From: Jean-ah

Suho-oppa, Camielle needs you now. I know she's mad at you and you know that I still don't approve you as my friend's boyfriend but she needs you. Whatever you did, just explain it to her. I know you love him. I can see it from the way you look at her. You just don't know how to show it. Camielle, even thought she hates you now, needs you more than anyone else. Go to Sweet Angel Hospital. She's still sleeping. And as her friend, I know that she wants to see you, Suho-oppa. Take care on your way. :) 

That's what she texted me. I know she hates me but I never expected her to text me like that. I'll thank her afterwards but for now, I need to see Camielle. I need to talk to my love and ask her for a second chance.

I arrived at the hospital.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for my girlfriend, Anne Camielle Ramos. She was brought here earlier this morning,." I asked the front desk.

"She's in room 365 sir." She answered. I thanked her and bow before running to the elevator.

"Come on.. Come on..." I mumbled. It feels like the elevator is taking forever to get to the third floor.


I ran out and went to the room. The others were there.

"How did you know that we're here?" Luhan growled, stopping me from entering the room.

"Luhan, let him in." Cherry, his girlfriend, told him but he didn't listen.

"Luhan-hyung, please!! Let me in. I need to see her. I need to know that she's okay." I begged.

"What? Hah!! Suho, after what you did, you want me to let you in?? You want to know if she's okay? To tell you the truth. SHE'S NOT OKAY AND THAT'S BECAUSE OF YOU!!!" he yelled at me, the first time Luhan-hyung yelled at me.

"We're in the hospital Luhan. Don't just yell like that." I heard Kris spoke from behind.

"Please... Luhan-hyung.. G-guys please... I'm begging y-you... I w-want to see her... Please.... I need to see Camielle..." I cried, falling on my knees.

"Sorry, but no." I look up to see Xiumin-hyung who spoke coldly.

"Let him in. They need to talk." I heard a feminine voice. It was Leah, she's with Tao.

"He'll just hurt her again." Tao said. I know I really hurt her. This is the first time that my friends, whom I treat like brothers got mad at me.

"Please..." I begged again, still kneeling down. The door opened and it revealed Jean and Sehun.

"Whoever told you where Camielle is, It's a stupid move. Seeing you will hurt her more." Chanyeol said.

"Yeah I know. It's a stupid move but they need to talk. Camielle needs him more than anyone of us. Go inside Suho-oppa. She still sleeping." Jean told me, while she and Sehun pulled me to stand up.

"You're the one who hates him from being Camielle's boyfriend and now you'll let him in? He's the one who pushed Camielle to hurt herself."

"I know Iyah. He hurt Camielle but we all know that he's the only one who can make her smile like before again." Jean said and gently pushed me inside. I don't know what will happened behind that door but my whole world fell down when I saw her. She's so pale. Both her wrist had bandages, a result of her suicide attempt. Her pinkish lips that I love to see when she was smiling was now pale and chapped. I walked towards her, pulling the chair and sat down. I held her hand and brought it to kiss it.

"Hey baby... I'm sorry if it took me a week to see you. I'm sorry if this have to happen before I realize how important you are to me. Camielle, baby... don't do this again please? I-I know I hurt you. A lot but please... I want to fix us... I want to make you happy.. I want you to know that I love you.. Baby please... I'll change just please.. Don't hurt yourself because it hurts me too..." I cried. I felt her hand move within mine.,

"Camielle? Baby?.. Are you awake?" I asked gently while caressing her hair.

"S-Suho?.. " she mumbled weakly.

"Ne, Baby. It's me.. How are you feeling?" I asked her.

"I hate you." she mumbled and I smile knowing that she didn't mean it. She's the kind of girl who will forgave someone if you apologized and mean it.

"Yeah I know. I'm sorry." I told her and help her to sit.

"Do you mean it?" I found her look at me with a small smile.

"Mean what?" I asked. She giggled. She look cute. I didn't know that she's cute when giggling.

"Everything that you said." she answered. I look at her and nodded.

"Yeah. Believe me. I'm sorry if I flirted with other girls. I'm sorry I hurt you." I mumbled looking down, tears fell from my eyes.

"You look ugly when crying." she teased and laugh. I look up at her and lean towards her. She stopped crying and look at me with wide eyes.

"You're teasing me huh?" I smirked and lean over again slowly.

"Yeah. I am. What will you do? Grandpa?" She teased again, raising one of his eyebrow.

"Hmm..." I thought for something before leaning for her lips. I gave her a soft passionate kiss and I know she smiled from it.

"Eeheewww!!!!" I let go of the kiss and turn around to see my dongsaengs and hyungs inside the room. Camielle and I laughed to what I saw.

"Sehun, why are you covering your girlfriend's eyes?" I asked and laugh again.

"You're corrupting her eyes!!!" He whined.

"Sehun-ah... Can you remove your hands now, please?" Jean mumbled and Sehun take his hands away slowly and we all laugh. I turn to Camielle and smiled, holding her hands.

"Let's go for a date tomorrow." I said and she blushed.

"This is the first time you asked me out on a date after we got together." She mumbled.

"I'm sorry." I told her but she smiled.

"It's fine. Where will we go?" She asked and I just smiled.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out." I told her.

"Make sure to not hurt her again or I will break your bones!!!" Jean told me with those wolf eyes.

"And we'll help her." Xiumin-hyung agreed.

"geez... I promise I won't do that again." I told them and they all smile.

"Good." they all said and walked out leaving me and Camielle alone.

"What's with them?" I mumbled and heard her giggle.

"Jean is just like that. Protective over her friends. But she's good. She won't really hurt you." she told me. I hugged her.

"Sarangahe, Camielle."

"I love you too, Suho." she said. I let go of the hug and pouted.

"What?" she asked me.

"You called me Suho." I told her and her brows forrowed.

"What's wrong with that?" she asked.

"You always called me Joonmyeon-oppa before but now it's just Suho." I told her, still pouting.

"But I've been calling you Suho for the past months." she said, stating the fact. I pouted again.

"But I don't want to hear you calling me Suho. Call me oppa, Baby, Jagi (sweetheart), Yeobo (honey) or Joonmyeon but not Suho." I told her and she just smile.

"Okay. I love you, Joonmyeon-oppa."


Hello!!! How was it? boring right? Yeah, I'm not in the mood to make an imagine now because exam week is coming. BUt anyways, thank you for reading. please vote. thank you!!!! :)

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