My Favorite Teacher

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I had just entered sixth grade when I first saw her. She had a stool outside her classroom that she sat on through class changes. I was kind of afraid of her--she looked a bit scary. But she was really pretty.

Then, in seventh grade, I saw her occasionally, thinking nothing of it. She still sort of intimidated me--she was pretty tall.

But then, this year, eighth grade, I found out she was my physical science teacher. That first day of school, she was hardly frightening! In fact, she was pretty, funny, sarcastic, and relaxed. Over the next few weeks, I discovered that I really, really liked her... and I also knew her husband--an eighth grade history teacher. He was two classrooms away from her, and I didn't have him as a teacher, but he was the sponsor of a club I was in. Every time I saw my science teacher in the hallway, my heartbeat went faster and my legs sort of shook.

In class, I would be the only one to raise my hand, but if I didn't know the answer, I didn't. I didn't want her to think I was stupid--I know, it was only a few questions, but still. Even if I get one question wrong on my test I get a bit upset because what would she think? This upcoming Wednesday we have a field trip, and we are being separated into different groups. My heart hammered when she announced the chaperones for each group--my group was being chaperoned by someone's mother... and my science teacher. Internally, I freaked out. Yes! An entire day with her! But externally, I said something like, "Aww, Lesley, you're not in my group."

I just know I'm going to cry at the end of this school year because I'll be off to Highschool and I won't see her. Yeah, I'm sure I could always visit, but it'd be hard to do that!

Am I weird? I searched her on Facebook and I sketched a picture of her. When I looked at the finished product I kept staring because it looked just like her and I kept glancing at it bea she even though she's in her late 30s she's still super pretty and wonderful and nice and caring!

A memory from the beginning of the school year sticks out in my mind. I was, as usual, rooting through my notebooks for unmarked paper and she happened to walk past my desk and she laughed a little, handed me a paper and said, "Here, now you don't have to use notebook paper."

Whenever I see her, my day gets a thousand times better! I don't want to kiss her or anything physical, though, that seems wrong and gross, I guess. But, I do always try and be a class clown to make her as well as other students laugh, and I'm successful.

But honestly, she can make anybody feel better. A couple days ago I was very upset over something (I still am a bit) that had happened at home and I tried to look cheerful and stuff, but I guess she could see the sadness on my face and she told us all a funny story and it cheered me up a bit. But I haven't raised my hand the past few days and today I finally raised my hand again and she picks me almost every time.

Her smile, though, it's so flawless. Today when I walked into the classroom, she was standing by my desk talking to my desk partner and I set my bag down and she smiled at me, and I felt a million flutters inside my chest and smiled back. She just--I don't know. She's perfect. I don't know what to do. I know she obviously won't feel the same way (duh) and also she's married and straight and there's about a 25 year age difference between us. But you know. She's still my favorite teacher.

That's all I needed to say.

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