Chapter 37: Bertholdt's Girlfriend?

Start from the beginning

"I've never heard of her" I say

"She's from Wall Sina and has just moved to Shiganshina. Her and Bertholdt really hit it off when they met so they're going on their first date" Armin says

"Is that all?" I ask

"No we need you to spy with us" Armin says

"I WANT TO PLAY SPIES!" Marco yells as he runs up.

"PRINCESS ANNIE!" Zoe yells as she runs through my legs and to Annie

"I told you not to call me that in public" Annie says

"Oh yeah, sorry. We don't want the king to find out or else he'll marry you off" Zoe whispers

"That wouldn't be good considering I'm her prince" Armin says with a wink. Annie punches him as she blushes

"Don't say stuff like that" She mutters. Armin rubs his arm

"Ow" He mutters

"Anyway so you're doing it right?" Annie asks

"Well Y/n isn't feeling well and I should really stay home" I say. Zoe and Marco look at me with puppy eyes

Don't give in... stay strong... it's for Y/n

"No" I say. I look up to Armin and he's giving me puppy eyes as well

Don't fall for it

"Aren't we friends?" Armin asks

"Of course we're friends" I say

"So then you'll come right?" He asks

I hate you Armin

"Unless you were lying about us being friends" He says

"Fine" I mutter. Armin smiles and Marco and Zoe cheer

"We'll be over at 5" Armin says as he grabs Annie's hand. She moves her hand away but then slowly puts it back. Marco and Zoe walk back in and I close the door. I check the time

3:45. Ugh gotta get Y/n up.

"Marco, Zoe. Go get dressed in nice clothes" I say. They sprint into their rooms. I walk to the bedroom and get dressed in a suit.

 I walk to the bedroom and get dressed in a suit

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(Heres some official art of Reiner in a suit)

I then wake up Y/n

"Hey Love bug" I say

"What?" She mutters groggy

"I made you some coffee" I say as I help sit her up

"I can do stuff myself" She mutters rubbing her eyes. I had her the coffee and she downs it
(Here come yall in the comments "I don't like coffee🧐" well same but for the sake of the plot just pretend)

𝕱𝖔𝖗𝖌𝖎𝖛𝖊 𝖒𝖊| Reiner BraunWhere stories live. Discover now