Chapter 16: 1 night and 1 day stay on the luxurious forest floor

Start from the beginning

Blaise gave a purfectionary nod to the leaving men, saying, "You hold me in regards too high to be reality"

Their conversation, no matter how simple and polite it looked, sent chills down the backs of the people around. Most of them thought they were initially talking about Neville being a lion in the snake pit but as more words were spoken , they got inevitably confused. But the Slytherins, who were used to such talks since infancy, and the Ravenclaws, with their sharp brains and vast knowledge, understood every well. They knew that in the whole conversation, Neville was referred with only a single word,  Prey . Their heart chilled with what they heard and understood.

Similarly, The words " the ranks aren't too far for you " made the Slytherins around hold Blaise in a new feared light. 'The ranks' were none other than the ranks of death eaters. Now, Blaise was in the dreary place where Draco stood before.

Neville cluelessly watched as Blaise gave him a last look before leaving through the way he came in. The students around looked at Neville with a newfound pity as they thought, ' He's too innocent for this. Alas, misfortunes come without a warning '

Draco sat beside Ron as his blue magic worked to completely heal the wound on Ron's shoulder. To his side sat Harry and Hermione while Pansy and Theo waited outside of the tent. He didn't hide his healing magic. He and Harry had clearly told them early on their abilities but refrained to explain in detail. While all of them were curious and eager to know, Harry had squashed all their intent with his stone cold and emotionless " No questions"

Fortunately, the wound wasn't deep enough to show bones or else moving forward with him would have been impossible.

Gradually the blue glow which dimly shrouded Ron disappeared, leaving a perfectly healed shoulder.

Draco slowly stood up, saying, "The wound is healed but he needs at least a day to collect the lost strength"

Harry stood up as well, "So, we can set off tomorrow evening?"

A nod answered his question.

Together, they walked out of the tent to spot Theo dosing off with his head on Pansy's lap as she slowly stroked his hair.

Draco gave a tired sigh and walked towards them, silently flicked his wand to levitate Theo gently. He gave Pansy a firm look to follow as well. Leading them to the second tent, he carefully lowered Theo in a comfortable position. Pansy laid down beside the boy as well. Her arm softly stroking Theo's hair again.

Draco tucked both of them in blankets before coaxing, " Sleep. You need it. I'll be right here"

A pair of blue eyes, belonging to the tired face of a young woman, slowly closed as she drifted to the lands of dreams.

Draco sat up as he endearingly looked at them, wordlessly wondering about the missing member between them. He was terribly worried about Blaise, but his trust in Blaise and his abilities was far more than pointless worry.

Behind him, Harry watched the tender look in Draco's eyes and his own eyes took the colour of a jealous emerald. On one hand, he wanted to imprint this rare image in his mind. But on the other hand, he wanted to tear it apart because he knew that the love in those eyes isn't for him.

' Even if I destroyed this, destroyed them , Malfoy would still love them the same.'

The gears in his heads turned as he knew that Draco will never stop loving and caring for his snakes.

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