I rushed into the house, Martha and Johnathon both looked at me concerned.
         "Sadie, honey what's wrong?" Martha asked, walking over to me.
         "Somethings wrong with Clark." I said finally breathing, all my emotions fighting with each other. Johnathon shot Martha a look and ran past me out into the darkness as Martha led me over to the kitchen table.
         "Sadie what happened?" She said in a comforting tone as she placed a hand on mine, I wasn't used to normal affection from a mother figure.
          "I-I don't know...I handed him my bracelet and he couldn't let go of it," I started trying to choke back any emotion that was fighting to come out, "and he looked sick, so sick, almost green but he couldn't let go." I finished my voice cracking on the last word. Martha looked even more concerned now.

         "It's ok you can go out to him, I just need a moment." I said quietly, she took the invitation and bolted out the door as I laid my head on the table and sobbed silently. I tried to make sense of everything, and my earlier actions. Did I really want to end it with Taylor, one outburst can't push me away forever.
         Johnathon and Martha interrupted my thoughts as they walked Clark into the kitchen. He was dragging his feet and he looked out of it, it's the worst I'd seen him.
        "Sadie I hate to make you leave on such short notice, but-," I cut Johnathon off before he could finish.
         "I understand...I'm sorry for all of this." I responded softly as I walked past them and through the door. Clark sounded like he was trying to say something but he couldn't make any words.
         "Goodnight Clark." I tried to straighten myself up with a strong smile, but the second I closed the door I had tears pouring down my cheeks. I ended up walking home alone anyways, it wasn't as late as it looked but way out in the country it got darker then the city ever could.

        My dark walk was cut off by two bright headlights driving up to me, it was an expensive car.
       "Hey, you're the girl from earlier." The voice said through the tinted window that was just barely rolled down. It rolled down further to show Lex sitting in the driver's seat.
        "I was just going over to speak with Clark, are you okay?" He asked in what sounded like fake concern.
        "Don't bother, he's sick." I responded wiping the remaining tears from my cheek. Lex sat back in his seat disappointed before turning back to me.

        "Well hey these roads are dark would you want a drive home?" He asked, I looked up at the road in front of me that I could barely see, I got an uneasy feeling of being watched suddenly. Quietly I nodded as he unlocked the door and I got in.
         "Since I can't ask him, have any idea about what happened at the crash?" He continued as he turned and drove towards my home. I shook my head and tried to stay calm.
          "Is he...why your crying?" He asked in the silence.
          "No, never...I don't think he's capable of that." I responded finally speaking up. He never really stopped asking questions, I just responded by nodding or shaking my head. Luckily it didn't take long for him to pull up to my house, my mother waited outside on the porch. But a familiar figure sat behind her.
          "Damn it." I mumbled, placing my head in my hands to cover my tears.
          "Which one did it?" He asked as a serious tone finally took over his voice. I pointed through the tinted windows of the Porsche at Taylor who looked just as uninviting as my mother.
           "I can't take anymore tonight-." I cried to myself as Lex sat back into his seat with his hands on the wheel.
           "Well you've got two choices, you can stay in my guest house for the night, or you can deal with whatever his name is with supervision." He added, I didn't know how much I trusted Lex, the Luthors had never been trusted before. But he seemed genuine, and I know my mother had good relations with his mother long ago.

            "I'll have to face them eventually." I finally said quietly. Lex nodded already halfway out of the car before I'd finished talking. He walked around and opened my door as we walked up to the porch.
            "Sadie I was worried sick!" My mother exclaimed in a concerned voice that bordered being very fake.
            "I'm sorry." I responded quietly. Taylor walked over to me, he was still angry and I could feel the tension.
            "What were you thinking Sadie, seriously how could you do that to Taylor." My mother added exasperatedly ignoring my apology.

           "What was I thinking! He scared me mom, how could you side with him." I responded, dropping my hands in defeat.
            "If you hadn't snuck behind my back with Kent I wouldn't have blown up!" Taylor barged in still yelling.
            "You need to relax, and you...I honestly have no words for you." Lex said disappointedly as he nudged my arm and walked back to the car motioning for me to follow him.

            I didn't know what to do but he seemed more genuine then my mother, and Taylor hadn't calmed down at all.
           "I never snuck behind your back with Clark," I started my voice cracking as I continued, "and I can't believe you'd take his side over your daughters." I finished shaking my head as I turned to the car. I didn't really want to go with Lex, but I'd never felt scared to be in my own house like I did right now.

           Lex ducked into the car as I opened the door and sat down. He seemed angry but he was good at hiding it, I knew he was gonna use this to get to Clark but I had no more options.
          "Thank you." I whispered quietly as I rubbed my eyes. He didn't respond, he just continued driving. I didn't want to be anywhere near Taylor. He'd destroyed my image of him at record breaking speed and he was doing nothing to fix it.
            He turned and took the backroads that passed Clark's house again as I finally relaxed into the seat. It was a silent ride so far but I swore I saw someone standing by the road, a dark figure. Something felt wrong about this though, nobody walked down these roads at night. And nobody would stay that close to the road unless they were planning something.
            Lex looked down for his phone as the figure walked into the road.
            "Lex turn!" I yelled, grabbing the seat and bracing myself, he looked up and swerved. The tires spun out beneath us as the car flipped, I felt everything go fuzzy and dark as I blacked out.  The shattered glass filled the car and stuck to my skin, Lex groaned in pain before passing out. The blood rushed to my head as I tried to unbuckle myself but it was useless I felt the tiredness take me over, and soon I joined Lex in passing out.

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