/11/ "So? Who wants to see a magic trick?"

Start from the beginning

I flew over the side and I could see him falling. I started flying at him but soon ice daggers were flying past me. I dodged left and right, one grazed my arm but it didn't matter. Soon I rammed into him and fire exploded from my mouth, shooting him down even faster. He rammed into the ground and I managed to stop myself, floating about 20 feet above him. I let fire gather in one of my hands, a ball of fire slowly getting bigger and bigger. I watched him quickly stumble up onto his feet; I was impressed he was still moving, the shitty remains of his armor must have been what saved him.

"If it wasn't for my armor I'd be a red mist right now!" He yelled, confirming my thoughts.

"I thought you wanted to beat me till I chose to leave his body eh? How am I supposed to do that if you destroy this bo..." He never finished that thought as I let the giant ball of fire fly into the ground, it looked like a miniature sun and covered just about everything. I flew off and onto the street, people were screaming and running away but I ignored them, I held out my hand and the ball of fire suddenly exploded, the noise deafening but I didn't mind. Smoke billowed up into the sky, I waited. Black light suddenly shot through the air towards me, I jumped to the left and it missed and hit some random person in the back, leaving a neat hole in them. I looked around the car I had been hiding behind, Black Water was limping out of the fire, an extremely pissed off look on his face. I noticed parts of his clothes were singed, he had a bad burn on his neck and his leg (hence the limp) but other than that he looked fine.

"You know, I really am tired of going easy. How about I start fighting back eh?" He waved a hand and ice pillars exploded all around him, sending cars and a variety of other items flying into the air. I concentrated on my gifts and soon I was sinking into the ground before his pillars destroyed where I was just hiding. I slowly rose behind him, using his shadow to my advantage. He quickly turned but too late, my flame covered fist connected with his cheek. He stumbled back and I kept up my assault. Fist after fist connected with his face and stomach. A scimitar of ice appeared in his hand and he took a swing, I dodged at the last second and continually jumped back as he swung again and again. I absorbed shadows into my open palm and a broad sword made of the dark appeared in my hand. I absorbed a blow with the sword. He swung and I dodged to the left, he stumbled past me and I swung out, leaving a deep cut in his back. He screamed and swung out wildly; I easily sidestepped and left a quick cut to his side. He swung and I blocked with my sword, but suddenly his fist was covered in ice and his fingers were now razor sharp talons. He made a stab at me and his fingers dug into my shoulder and I gasped in pain as they pierced the skin and right out the other side. I let fire explode from my mouth and he was sent flying backwards.

I gasped and gripped my arm, he had gone right through the bone, and he must have shattered it because I couldn't move my arm. He stood up quickly, a huge burn mark right in the middle of his chest. He was gasping for breath and I found my breath heavy as well, not just from the pain but I felt weak, a bit tired.

"You know, in hindsight, I really should have just killed you a long time ago." Black Water growled.

"Why didn't you?" I yelled back. He shook his head.

"I don't know to be honest; I guess I just wanted to keep my options open." He said. Ice covered his body again, but it was Liam's father's armor this time. He let one of his clawed hands scrap across a nearby car, cutting right through it like butter. I held out my one good arm, my sword pointed right at him.

"I hope you're ready." He said. I let the shadow marks grow, until my entire body was black, writhing, like moving shadows.

"Ditto." I chuckled. He charged me but a giant fist of shadow exploded from my chest and grabbed him. I repeatedly slammed him into the ground, finishing by tossing him into the air. As he dangled in the air I created a spear of shadow and covered the tip in white hot flame. I let it fly and as he just began to fall, the spear slammed right through his left thigh and pinned him into a pillar of stone in front of another skyscrapers entrance. He screamed in pain and I flinched, he sounded just like...

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