/6/ "None of them were Liam."

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Chapter 6: "None of them were Liam."


"I won't mind, even though, I know you, you'll never be, mine..." I mumbled his song to myself while I was being led to the entrance to the arena. I could hear screaming, yelling, and what sounded like roaring.

"Shut up prisoner." The man growled behind me. I just smiled.

"Don't look around 'cause love is blind..."

"I said shut the fuck up." The man snarled. I laughed.

"Would you prefer some Katy Perry?"

"I'd prefer you shut up prisoner."

"I'm not a prisoner; I'm just a guy you got in shackles." I said. He laughed.

"Yeah, keep that confidence in the arena, see how you fair." I smiled at him.

"You wouldn't happen to know where your leader is, do you?" He glared at me.

"He's watching the fight, like he always is."

"Good, I needed to talk to him." He scoffed.

"Yeah, good luck with that."

"It doesn't bother you that I'm not worried in the slightest?" He shook his head.

"The African heat has gone to your head, obviously."

"Obviously." I mimicked, loving the annoyed look on his face.

"2 minutes and he's up." I heard a voice say behind me. I tried to turn but I was shoved in the back.

"Turn around again I cut your arm off." He snapped.

"Yeah yeah sure sure." I giggled.

"You know how illegal this arena is right? Pitting people with powers against each other gladiator style...its barbaric."

"Yeah, but who's gonna question 'The Lion' eh?"

"Dirge." I said, smiling. I could practically hear his frown.


"Oh, just the worlds number 1 police force. Haven't heard of us?"


"Good, if ya did we wouldn't be doing our jobs right. When something bad, like, say, a gladiatorial style death arena in the wilds of Africa, pops up? We come in and stop it." He scoffed again.

"Yeah, sure."

"And if said arena is being run by a guy who is notorious for only showing his face at said arena...well, what better way to get at him that to let one of our members pretend to be captured and taken to the arena so we can capture the mother fucker while he's out in the open?" I turned, he looked stunned, I just laughed.

"Just kidding!" Another guard came in and unlocked my shackles. The large metal door swung open and I was pushed out into the open.

The arena was big. It (not surprisingly) reminded me of the Colosseum in Rome, though not quite as big, like someone had crudely tried to imitate it. The African sun was beating down on me and the fact that I felt drenched in sweat after being in it for only 10 seconds should tell you how bloody hot it was, god I missed New York, it was rain season right now. I scanned the arena, nothing but dirt, and another metal door on the other side of the arena. 3 large stone pillars were standing in a triangle dead center in the arena. The stands were absolutely packed with people, screaming and yelling nothing of real note except one thing...Titan.

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