/11/ "So? Who wants to see a magic trick?"

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Chapter 11: "So? Who wants to see a magic trick?"

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

-Robert Frost-


It was like I was floating on the ocean, but I was blind. I felt like I was dreaming, yet I felt like I was awake. I couldn't see anything, just an endless void of black that I was floating down, lost in the waves of time and space. I wondered if I was dead, maybe this is death, just an endless floating in a sea of nothing. My thoughts turned to Zayn, my beautiful man who I'd do anything for. I wanted to see him again, I missed him. Floating through nothing wouldn't be as bad if I had him with me. I don't really remember how I got here, just that I was here now, this was my life...

Suddenly light bloomed in the dark, a single point of light that seemed so far away.

"Because I'd do anything for him." A voice whispered. I recognized that voice, I recognized his voice. I needed to get to the light, I need to move, I needed to find him again. I felt my body lazily drift towards that far off light, that golden point that would lead me to him.

'On the way' I thought quietly to myself. I kept moving, closer and closer, but suddenly the darkness started to grab at me, hands clinging to my legs and arms and pulling me away from the light. I screamed and struggled but a voice just cackled in the dark and pulled me back.


"You look like shit mate." A voice chuckled. I felt hands on my chest, they were warm and soft, and I'd recognize them anywhere. My eyes popped open; Harry and Niall were standing over me. I could see Doniya, Eleanor, and Luke behind them. I felt something washing over me; I honestly couldn't believe I wasn't dead. If it wasn't for my mother's power I suppose I would be.

"Haz?" I groaned, smoke was slowly drifting from his finger tips.

"Calm down Lou it's healing smoke, it'll keep you alive." Niall said. I stared at Harry.

"Didn't realize you could absorb healing smoke." Harry smiled weakly.

"It's smoke isn't it? And...Lou, I'm not...I'm not mad. I know why you did the things you did but..." Niall suddenly smacked me across the face, I flinched but didn't get angry, I bloody well deserved it.

"...you sort of deserve a good smack across the face." Harry finished. The smoke disappeared, I felt perfect again. I sat up and let out a loud sigh.

"So...what did I miss?"

"You're little attempt to kill Liam failed, Black Water is in Liam now..." Doniya said.

"And Zayn?" I asked. She sighed and shook her head.

"They're currently fighting right now; Harry managed to find you and Niall. El brought us to Niall and then we came to make sure you're dumb ass wasn't dead." Doniya said.

"Zayn needs help, I don't know who would win in a fight but he does have a big advantage." Niall said.

"Oh?" I said. He grinned.

"Black Water doesn't have any friends, Zayn does." I nodded and stood up.

"Alright guys, let's go save the world eh?"


"Because I'd do anything for him." I snarled, tossing off my jacket and my arms became covered in fire. The armor of ice covered his body and he charged me, and I charged him. The only sound was our screams and the sound of my heartbeat in my ears, sounding like the drums of war. I sidestepped at the last second and he ran past me. I used my finger and fire exploded from the tip, slamming into his back. He was thrown forward and rolled across the ground. He stood up but now parts of his armor were melted. He took a step forward but I waved my hand and a giant black shadow hand slammed into him and he flew off the side of the building. I let fire cover my legs as well and soon I was floating in the air.

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