The Great Escape

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"Okay, Jack, you've mastered this move, now focus on a spot and kick through it!" Jack readied himself and kicked at their stubborn vending machine, unsticking Rudy's snack of choice. "Ha ha! You did it! I got my Nacho Nuggets!"

Jerry ran in excitedly, catching the other's attention away from stretching. "Guys, you're not gonna believe it. My dad and a whole bunch of my family are coming to watch me in the tournament this Saturday! I'ma train extra hard. My dad's never seen me fight before. Except this one time at the petting zoo. This goose ate one of my flip flops and it was on, yo! It was all "haa!" and I was all "ahh!" he was all "haa!" and I was all "ahh!""

Jack just blinked.

**✿❀ ❀✿**

"Sup," Jerry and Asa greeted Jack after school in the hallway.

He looked at them confused pointing out, "Aren't you two supposed to be in detention?"

Jerry shrugged nonchalantly. "Yeah we blew it off."

"I wanted to see Jerry spar with Eddie." Asa looked around. "Where is he?"

"He said if he was gonna spar with Jerry he needed to go to the library first."

"Why would he do that?"

"Okay." Eddie appeared with books taped to his entire body including his head. "Let's do this quick. That book alarm went crazy when I walked out."

Jerry smirked. "Wow, Jerry, a human sparring dummy. This'll be the first time I ever see you hit the books." Jack jokes.

Jerry advanced forward throwing a few punches. An unfazed Eddie chuckled at how soft he was punching, "You hit like my grandmother."

"Oh ho ho. That's it." That caused Jerry to punch way harder and adding a few kicks in as well. Eddie squealed trying to run away from him.

Jack, much to Asa's dismay, stood in between the two. "Woah woah take it easy! Man, you hit him right in the Grapes of Wrath."

"Yeah I know man, I'm gonna be in sick shape for the tournament Saturday. I'm ready, I'm focused and nothing can distract me from- Yo what it do, girl?" He flirted when a girl passed by.

Vice Principal Slugman came out from the faculty office from the noise to ask, "What's going on here?"

"I'm out!" Eddie cried out, running away. Jack busied himself with his locker but stayed to watch.

Jerry and Asa exchanged bored expressions. "Ah Martinez and Callahan. I've been looking all over for you two. You're supposed to be in detention."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah I had to blow it off. I'm in training but just put it on our tab." Jerry bargained, patting Slugman on the shoulder.

"Let's go."

"Okay, okay, we're sorry Vice Principal Slugman, it won't happen again." Asa apologized for the both of them.

Slugman looked at them with hopeful eyes. "Really? You mean that?"

"What'd you need to hear buddy?" Jerry asked unsympatheticly.

Having known better that these two didn't really mean it, he dragged them away.

When they were shoved back in the detention room, they smugly smiled once the door shut. "Jerry! Asa!" The other detention regulars greeted.

"What's up, peeps!" Asa cheered.

Jerry looked over to the ones that were wrapping the teacher who'd fallen asleep with toilet paper. "Hey get her to stop snoring. Yo, Tony, drop a beat real quick!" Tony did just that, making lame old detention into a dance party.

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