Badge of Honor

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Rudy had came out of the dojo for lunch when he noticed the crowd of people standing around courtyard. "What's going on?" he asked Kim just as Jack skated by on his board.

"Jack's about to do a hippie jump over the chair, then a three-sixty flip into an ollie." She explained making Rudy more confused.

"That's not Ollie that's Phil and Asa. And they're gonna get killed."

Phil propped his torso up from the ground. "I got this, baby. First job in my country I was speed bump."

Asa was laying on her back with her hands resting behind her head acting as a pillow a foot away from Phil. "It's too boring to just watch so why not get in on the action."

Once the coast was clear, Jack jumped over the chair and over both human speed bumps. Unharmed, Asa lifted her head up to see Jack's three-sixty and ollie, hearing the crowd applaud him. He ran over to the speed bumps, offering a hand up to Asa and high fiving the others.

"Mind if I snag your axe and take it for a scrape?" Jack blinked at Rudy for his attempt at skater talk. "Skateboard - can I borrow your skateboard?"

The boy gave him a skeptic look. "You ever ridden one before, Rudy?"

"I'm a third degree black belt, I think I can handle a little rolling toy."

"Okay, knock yourself out." Jack said handing over his skateboard.

Rudy placed it down and immediately slipped after he took a step on the rolling plywood.

The crew cringed, Eddie saying, "I think he just knocked himself out."

"No I didn't." Rudy muttered from the ground.

Rudy had somehow managed to have made the board go flying in the air when he fell to then have it land on him. They cringed again at the impact. "Now he did." Jerry said, him and the others going to help their man child of a sensei.

**✿❀ ❀✿**

"Hey guys, I've got a very big surprise." Rudy announced the next day when his students came in lugging their bags behind them.

"Please tell me you're getting these smelly mats cleaned," Milton pleaded.

Jack agreed, dropping his bag. "Yeah, they're so moldy, every week we have to give them a shave."

"Yesterday, when I got home my grandfather got a whiff of me, cried and said I smelled like the war," Eddie said.

"I have to take two showers after practice just to get the stench off of me. I'm gonna be bald before I reach forty!" Asa exclaimed.

Rudy gave them all deadpanned looks for their so-called exaggeration. "I'm not talking about our mats, I'm talking about this." He gestured over to the hanging appliance by his office window.

Jerry gasped. "Woah! A wall sheet. It's beautiful."

"It's not a wall sheet." He unveiled his newly purchased TV causing them to gawk at it. "It's a brand new high def surround sound, LED flat screen TV!"

"What's with this mall and affording the expensive crap but not the maintenance basics?" Asa muttered taking a seat next to Jack who'd heard her and slightly nudged her shoulder.

"Aw man, it's four thirty, Ninja Space Monkeys is on." Eddie said taking the remote.

"It's not for watching Ninja Space Monkeys. Would you give me that." Rudy snatched the remote away. "This is a teaching tool so we can study our tournament videos. Milton, let's start with your match."

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