"After that, she kind of just... became a part of us. Like a personal doctor. She took care of everyone." Wonho sighed quietly. "Her death took a toll on all of us but since we had good memories, we were able to let her go in peace."

"That sounds... nice.." Hyugnwon mumbled, smiling softly. The story was romantic, high school sweethearts turned into partners in crime, and in a way made the older's relationship with the beautiful woman seem like a movie with an unfortunate sad ending.

"What about you. What's your story?" Wonho asked the ex-hitman whose smile instantly died down. Hyungwon's eyes lowered to the engagement ring. "Much less sweet than yours, that's for sure." he chuckled and adjusted the position he was in, dust flying into the air.

"Mind sharing?" Wonho inquired, shuffling to the side of the bed that was closer to the other dark-haired man. "Well. To start, I was living in a small town away from Gwangju... I wasn't that far since I didn't have much money due to running away from home a year prior... I was basically on the streets salvaging what I could... Honestly, I was surprised my father didn't find me and drag me back..."

Wonho stayed quiet, eyeing the other man, ready to comfort the younger if he was to get emotional. "But that's not the main part of this story, the living on the streets part comes into importance later, though," Hyungwon mumbled, shaking his head after having gone off track

"With my fake ID, I got into this bar, planning to get someone to bang just so I could stay inside for one night. Eventually met this group of guys. Hajoon and if I remember correctly Woosung and Jeff... Sorry, Jaehyeong." He explained, speaking calmly and trying to stay calm when his old friends, family, were brought into the story. "The night went on and I found out they were on a mission or something. I, to no one's surprise, don't remember much from that night, thanks to the drinks they paid for, except meeting them and going back to their place. In my eighteen-year-old mind following these strangers was a great idea. But anything was better than a cardboard box."

Hyungwon leaned his head back against the headrest of the chair, looking up at the ceiling. "I met Hajoon a few times after that around town and we got along quite well. And well... I went and caught feelings and he confessed a few weeks later and we started going out. I still wonder what he saw in me... Eventually, he gave me the choice to join or to forget our relationship. Harsh, but I understood why. Well, obviously I joined them. It would mean food, a home, and basic needs I needed to keep living." Hyungwon sighed. 

Back then all of that had come to him at a perfect time. So much so that it felt too good to be true... Maybe it was.

He was on the brink of giving up and just offing himself. There wasn't much point in staying alive if he had to stay homeless. The man hadn't even considered becoming a hitman back then and he wouldn't have gone far with his middle school diploma. And if he was to make any moves on getting a job, it would definitely show up on his records and his father would have known exactly where to find him.

Going back home to the abusive household wasn't an option anymore, even if it meant leaving his mother there. Not that she would have ever agreed to leave anyway.

"And that's that. The rest is history. He proposed two years into our relationship. Maybe it was a rushed choice but we weren't getting rid of each other anyways." 

Hyungwon smiled a bit sadly and glanced at the other quickly before looking away again. H e couldn't bear to hold eye contact. "It's not a magnificent love story but I was the happiest back then. I had a family and a boyfriend. A life I could enjoy... Losing all that in under 24 hours gave me a reality check of sorts..." 

Wonho tilted his head a little. "You must've really loved him." The man stated quietly and Hyungwon nodded his head in agreement. It would have been obvious to anyone who asked about the deceased man. The sad, yearning glaze that came over Hyungwon's eyes whenever the topic was even slightly brought up, told it all. 

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