"Alright men!" Washington yelled when Josie, Oliver, all of the soldiers and I had gathered around him and the horses were tied to nearby trees. I looked up at Washington and saw a burning fire in his eyes, and he cleared his throat, getting ready to speak. "We've been waiting for this moment for months. This is when we take matters into our own hands, when we finally show the British that we are more than just a rag-tag team.

"This is when we FIGHT BACK! This is our chance to show them that WE DESERVE FREEDOM!" He screamed, voice trembling with passion and the soldiers erupted in applause and cheers, me among them. It was just a small speech, but as I glanced at the soldiers screaming with hope and passion I knew it was just enough to bring the army (and me) together and set a fire in them.

It was time too act.

When the cheers died down Washington cleared his throat, all business once more. "Alright, group one, two, three, and four bring the boats." He directed, and I watched as the four groups of soldiers holding large wooden boats stepped forward, grunting as they placed them in front of Washington. "Okay. Now everyone gather here. When I say so, get into your assigned boat and hold your weapon at ready, just in case anything happens." He said cautiously, and we all nodded.

As Washington began to direct soldiers onto their boats I noticed that throughout the speech I had gotten separated from Oliver and Josie. I stood on my toes and spotted them among a group of soldiers climbing onto boat four. Josie was brushing the snow off him, and Oliver was (well trying to) patiently tell her he was fine, all the while his eyes searching the crowd for me.

Our eyes met, and his lit up, and he waved me over. I weaved between soldiers until I got there, and Oliver hugged me a little too quickly, and as we broke apart and he began to ask how I was I noticed Josie's eyes narrow a little suspiciously. "I'm fine Oliver, thank you." I said a little stiffly, and Oliver's eyebrows raised, like he got the point. I then hugged Josie as tight as possible, putting my hands on her cheeks.

"And how are you, darling?" I asked, and to my relief the suspicion in her eyes faded into softness. "Oh Rose I'm okay. I seriously thought I might've froze though! But I'm so glad you're okay." She said, leaving my stomach to twist in guilt at the broken promise I made to myself and to her. I won't be any trouble. My past words swam through my head until I felt dizzy with guilt, and I took a deep breath, fully prepared to confess my sins when Washington called us over.

"Mr. Oliver, Miss Josie, and Miss Rose board boat one." He said, and a shiver went down my spine when I realized Washington was in the same boat as us. I glanced at Oliver and Josie and saw their face's reflected my feelings, and with a tremor of excitement I stepped into the boat and sat next to the other soldiers, careful not to fall into the choppy water below.

I sat in an empty spot near the front, and Oliver and Josie sat together across from me, holding hands, which I only sort of noticed. I was too busy fighting my feelings of excitement and fear to throw jealousy, guilt, and love in the mix, so instead of getting caught up in my messy love life I sat on the edge of a dangerous boat with the most wanted man in the world leading it, ready to do the most dangerous thing I've ever done.

When Washington climbed into the front of the boat and ordered for everyone to start rowing I felt my stomach hurl, and I forced myself not to throw up. You're not going to ruin history Rose! I scolded myself while smoothing my dress and biting my tongue; any little habits to distract me from the huge task at hand.

Fidgeting, I fluffed my hair as the boat rowed on, letting the brittle wind sink into my skin, sending shivers all down my body. The night was young and freezing, and I swallowed nervously as my eyes directed to the frothing waves that crashed against the rickety wooden boat, knowing that if we capsized it was game over.

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