The Early Mission, Chapter 3: The Other Side

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Most of the strength came from Rod. We pulled the handle of the scythe until it got unstuck, throwing us across the forest floor, landing next to a tree.

"What happened?" I asked Della as we got up.

"I found a dodo," Della panted. "He disappeared, but I managed to get his weapon."

Della picked the scythe up, poking the ground with its end. Its handle was probably as tall as the inspectors.


I panted and steered the pirate ship away from the icebergs. I sailed faster and further away from the land, my heart thumping hard, reminding me of the soldiers that were after us.

After passing this area of the ocean and ensuring myself that we were was safe from them, at least for a little while, I calmed down. I shot a glance at Presley, my little sister, who stood staring at the horizon. The sun was low but it was still bright.

I hated the fact that she was in more danger than I was. She deserved better. But all hope was lost, and there was no way we could escape. We'd lost everyone we knew, and we were alone. The soldiers would reach us soon and I would be under their control. Presley would be beaten to death. We could not be saved.

And at the moment, we had only barely escaped them, so we didn't have much time to enjoy the moment. They were after us and they would catch us soon. I knew what I had to do.

I picked up one of the swords from the wall, gripping it tightly, and ran down to Presley, aiming it fiercely at her throat.

Presley turned around at the sound of my footprints. I wasn't trying to be silent anyway. I had to do this quick, and I shouldn't be focused on anything other than that.

WARNING: violence.

I held Presley with one arm so that she wouldn't be able to back away. Then I did something that never in my craziest dreams would I have ever thought of doing. I stabbed Presley's neck with the sword, digging it deeper into her throat. Blood oozed out, and I tried my best not to be distracted. I couldn't let myself be distracted. I had to finish it fast. I had to kill her while making sure to give her as less pain as possible.

Warning/violence is over.

Presley squeezed her eyes from the pain. I grew impatient. She better died soon, or else that would mean my attempt would fail, and she would have to be beaten to death by the knights instead. Of course I didn't want her to experience that.

Her innocent eyes looked up at me, and the my strength and force faded away. My little sister stared at me in disbelief. She trusted me.


I felt my own expression change.

No, Focus, Penny! I told myself. If I don't do this, the soldiers will!

And when they do, it would be worse.

I'm not betraying her. I'm saving her.

But even after the stab, nothing was happening to her. I was sure I hadn't stabbed her wrong. But then, that would mean...



I've failed. I pulled the sword from Presley's throat and threw it away. I locked my eyes with hers.

I had failed. What was worse than my little sister dying by my own hands? My failure, and knowing she would have to live with that pain now.

Because of my careless mistake.

My vision started to get blurry. Tears started to sream continuously, but my mind was still thinking, wondering how it happened.

Until it too gave up, and I hugged little Presley and broke down crying. I cried uncontrollably, crying out her name, not knowing what to do.

After a while, Presley moved away and observed my face, concerned. seeing that I wouldn't stop crying, she placed her tiny wing on mine.

"Penny, I love you. Don't cry..." she said in her little voice.

I didn't stop.

There were a lot of things I wanted to say. My mind was filled with thoughts: how stupid it was of me to even think of using that sword when I didn't know how to hold it, and to try to kill my own little sister when I didn't know how to kill anything. And the fact that Presley was still prioritizing me despite the pain that I had made her go through, made it worse.

But I couldn't say anything. I had a huge lump in my throat, and nothing except "Presley!" would come out. I shut my eyes.

"Penny?" Presley's voice sounded different now.

She sounded a lot like someone else I knew.

"Wake up!" said the voice again. I recognized who it was.

"Penny, you're having a nightmare again. Wake up!"


A/N: I have decded to change the "nightmare" into something else, like an illusion or something because there are a lot of illusions/visions in this story

Editing Ivory_XII: wow I just randomly gave Penny a nightmare... wow that was so random

Almost forgot: I should have given credit to @/trunotwen for taking their nightmare idea! I am so sorryyy

Top Wing: Ideas And PromptsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz