old ideas

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I used to have a lot of oneshot ideas and headcanons but they're all gone now :( and I found out I'm not good at oneshots.

So here are some little snippets from my old ideas and some story prompts. Most of these are stuff I probably won't be able to write, but I may use bits of these ideas. If anyone here wants to use some of these, you can - that would be awesome - but let me know somehow.

#1: Idea/Prompt (one-shot)

This one is kinda AU and some parts was inspired by @nimskip. The cadets are split into two groups and one group will try to steal a box from the other group. Whatever that's in the box won't be revealed yet. The cadets take the mission very seriously. They wear helmets and microphones and can communicate with their group members.

Later, the bad wings will appear and help one of the groups to get the box from the other group, and later betray them by taking the box to themselves. The cadets will chase them to the lemon shack and Rhonda would be like, "what's going on?" and everyone starts quarelling.

The cadets from group 1: they stole our honeycakes!
Cadets from group 2: no, they stole our honeycakes!
(Honeycakes were what was in the box)

Apparently those were the last honeycakes Rhonda had made before leaving for vacation, which was why they were fighting for it. Rhonda's trip was cancelled so she had come back to the lemon shack.

Rhonda makes more honeycakes for them and they live happily ever after.
The last line of the story, though, was supposed to be a threat from Bea to Speedy (they were in separate groups)

#2: Prompt (dialogue)

"Hey! You know I don't like getting wet!"

(Rod yelling at the waves for splashing him.)

I had started watching Top Wing when it came out, but after that year, there was a period of time when I couldn't watch it. When I was able to watch it again, I noticed Betty more and she became my favourite character. (Before her, it was Swift and Rod. I liked Rod before Top Wing even came out)

After I had noticed Betty, I had a lot of headcanons and story ideas with her involved. A lot of them are probably forgotten by now, but here are some ideas I can remember.

#3: Headcanon.

I noticed Betty didn't have any friends except for Baddy. Chomps and Rocco are friends with them but they aren't that close and not very understanding either, and sometimes Baddy would go hang out with them without her. So Betty would hang out (literally) by herself sometimes. She would hang upside down on a tree at night and watch anyone who passes by, and during the day she would try to talk to other people around like Shirley but she doesn't make any friends yet.

One day she would bump into Penny (my idea: Penny is alone at the lemon shack because the others are somewhere else and Betty sits with her cause all the other tables are full or something) and they realize they can talk to and understand each other even though they're both really different. They can understand each other in a way that the boys can't. So they would become close (but also kinda distant) friends. Betty would sometimes talk to the other cadets too

Baddy would be disappointed and try to tell the cadets to stay away from Betty. He would do this while Betty wasn't there, because if Betty saw him do that, she would kill him with her glare like she did in "a little off-track". I came up with this scene, where Rod would go for a walk by himself while humming and he would bump into Baddy. They would be in a place where Baddy and Betty hang out a lot, so Baddy takes it as a chance to yell at Rod.

He'd be like, "Are you here to see Betty? Because she isn't here,"

And he would try to say something to convince Rod that Betty wasn't really friends with the cadets even if she talked to them or something like that. And then Betty would appear out of nowhere and give Baddy the death glare. And Baddy would fall down (from the power of the glare) and give up.

Even though I ship Rod and Betty, I had never been able to come up with any romantic stuff. #4 was probably the most romantic of all ideas.

#4: (short story)

(The characters are human, though they still have their animal abilities. e.g. Swift can fly, Betty has night vision, Penny can swim, etc)

Betty would hang out - literally - by herself at night. She would hang upside down on a branch on a tall tree and watch the moon. Until one night, Rod sneaks out and comes here. Betty will see him, though she keeps herself hidden.

The next night, Rod comes again and this time Betty goes up to him and talks to him. The two will come here the next night without expecting to see each other (but they will). And they start seeing each other almost every night and eventually get together...

One night, Rod gets a bruise on his hand. The next morning the other cadets would be wondering why Rod had his hand wrapped up because he didn't have it the other night.

Also, if Rod kept spending half the night awake, he would be waking up late, which isn't like him, and the other cadets would suspect him.

Honestly, I'm not good at romance

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