I laughed in return, "aw, was that supposed to be intimidating?" I quirked, condescending look on my features.

"Issac?" Derek continued, ignoring my comment.

"Well, I'm a little bummed about being a fugitive, but other than that I'm great."

"Okay hold on, this isn't exactly a fair fight." Scott sounded, I was slightly taken aback.

"Hello? right here? literally beside you?" I answered obviously, the McCall boy looking at me.

"Then go home Scott." Derek patronised.

Just as Erica and Issac approached, the boy slammed his fist into the ice, transforming into his half wolf form. "I meant fair for them."

Letting out a menacing roar, a brawl ensued. Issac charged at me, throwing a harsh punch, an advance to which I responded by literally launching him across the room. A laugh escaping my lips at the attempt.

Scott took on Erica, slamming her against the cleaning machine just as Issac came back running. He threw Scott across the ice before lunging at me.

Of course I grabbed his arm, twisting it round as I flashed my amber orbs. "I don't think so, pretty." I smirked, kicking the boy to the floor. Scott got up, slamming him into the ice, just as Erica jumped on his back, Derek was watching this whole thing unfold.

With a fist full of her hair, I yanked Erica backwards, peeling her off my friend's back as I connected a swift left hook to her face. Their attempt was quite cute really, I barely had to lift a finger.

Scott was back on Issac dodging his punches as he fell to the ground with a grunt. I however, was loving how weak the blonde girl was in my grip. Taking great pleasure as I slammed her into a wall, gripping her by the collar as she growled under my grasp. With a final punch, I quite literally launched the girl back towards the middle of the arena. Watching as Issac writhed on the ground.

"Don't you get it! He's not doing this for you! He's just adding to his own power, okay it's all about him! He makes you feel like he's giving you some kind of gift when all he's done is turn you into a bunch of guard dogs!" Scott called, trying to reach out to the pair.

"Bravo Scotty, nice little speech you got going there." I quirked, kicking Erica's practically unconscious body towards the sour wolf, Scott did the same with Issac.

"It's true." Derek admitted, staring Scott in the eye. "It is about power." he began walking forward, claws bared as he started to transform. Part of me knew this was a fight Scott would have to face, I opted to let him pursue the battle alone. Though of course I would step in if he got his ass beat.

With a few sharp punches and a swipe of his claws, Derek seemed to have the upper hand. That is until Scott threw him off, head-butting him as the elder werewolf was taken aback. He approached again, punching Scott repeatedly as I debated stepping in, keeping a watchful eye on Boyd throughout.

I had got distracted ever so slightly, turning back as Scott was slammed to the ground, Derek standing with a foot threateningly close to his windpipe. I lunged forward, tugging the alpha back before connecting my fist to his jaw. Silently praising myself for all my combat sessions I had taken part in.

He growled at me for a second as Scott seethed. "Now, I think you know better than to pick a fight with me." I taunted,  letting go of my grip on his shirt. He backed away slightly as Boyd got down from his position.

"Don't! You don't wanna be like them." Scott warned the boy through gritted teeth.

"You're right." Boyd admitted, lifting his shirt to reveal a large gash in his side. "I wanna be like you." he finished, looking between the pair of us this time.

Divine Serendipity • Stiles Stilinskiحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن