Chapter 56 Haven

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"What foolish ideology," James told him. "Such are the words of a fool."

"And those are the words of a coward," Wilbur said. "Between a fool and a coward, I know which to die for. I don't wish to say the same to you. I refuse to let your mother die just for her son to become some miserable wretch-"

"Stop," James said suddenly, throwing up his hands. His eyes were wide with a short realization, and those Wilbur did not know what. He felt ashamed, however, to have been so angry. James Looked past him, beyond him, as if seeing a precious item once lost or a good friend had come back to him. Something lost and precious. He sank to his knees, looking at this imaginary thing. The room's silence amplified this mystified emotion he had. "I am sorry, Wilbur. You are not a fool. At least not as far as I am."

"Please understand, James, that we are all under this very same curse," he said. "Fear and sorrow, these are the things that strike down all who carry the sword and the burden of a nation upon themselves."

"And it is up to the man, the one who carries the sword and the burden, to take on this extra weight," James gave a sad, tired smile. "Those words . . . "

"Came from you yourself, idiot," Wilbur told him. "Now stand up; you look pathetic down there."He offered Wilbur a hand, a hand he gladly accepted. And he could understand, a little of this man he calls a friend. "If it is the power you wish, if it is reassurance, hope, remember that I will always be there for you. But don't for a second think that I am here to carry you. You will be a king, and you will lead us from this darkness. And I will be there to make sure you don't die. Understood?"

"Understood," James chuckled to himself. "To think I had thought myself a hopeless fool. But we can't escape reality, Wilbur. How are we going to strengthen ourselves against this enemy?"

"I know of only one way of doing so," Wilbur told him. "We need to see the old man."


Gray was alive.

An incredible sight, to say the least. Celia was afraid that she would have to suffer an unsightly fate of her friend, but it appeared that Fate had spared this pour soul this day at least. But they did not have time to wait. Gray being a knight was the only reason he still breathes, but he was no Edlund when it came to Aura. He could still die with how much blood he has lost already. The cart was a little worse for the average wear, it was flipped on its side, and the tug buckle and breeching straps had been torn in half from the ordeal. The horses, fortunately, did not wander far, and Celia begins to think of how they were to get Gray to a doctor. The boy wouldn't last a day with injuries such as these. All they can hope for is that a doctor will be in the next town over. But she can't carry Gray all that way. Not in her state. He could barely move her fingers, and she barely had the strength to stand. And the gut wound that was only now mending itself wasn't doing her much favors. She spoke these things to Elena.

"We can get the carriage back in working order," Celia sighed. "But with that tug buckle snapped, keeping the horses in line will most certainly be a problem."

"What if I carry him myself," She already leaned down to pick him up. No doubt if he were conscious, he would protest to such rough treatment. "If I hurry, I can get him there within the hour."

"And leave us behind," Celia whispered thoughtfully. Elena paused at that. Celia realized too late the ultimatum she just offered to the young woman. If they leave the two of them here, she may be able to get him to safety. If they tried walking there, in the middle of the night, they would surely find themselves prey. But then, she shall forsake the oath that she and Gray pledged to Lyse. And oaths among knights is an unbreakable truth. Celia had to come up with a solution that did not threaten either side. Anything.

Theurgy: The Journey's Dawn (Book One)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora