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hi guys. i don't usually do chapters purely for A/N, but I felt this time it was necessary. 

tw - suicide mentions

my original plan at the end of this story was for George to end it all. I would still like to write it like that, but I'm not sure if 1 - I want to have to write that from George's point of view because it hits very heavily and I'm sure I would have some therapists on my back badgering me if they found out about this.

and 2 - because it feels slightly uncomfortable overall. it makes me feel guilty like I'm dumping on you guys even though this is completely fictional and it's what you're all here for. its what I'm here for as well, but now I'm coming to writing it, it feels wrong.

i think I have an idea which will feel more comfortable to write and probably put some smiles on your faces.

I'm sorry for disappointing, but I hope you all understand. i love you guys<3

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