Chapter 6

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| Chapter 6 |


Malik hates being interrupted. It is part of his nature. No matter how small what he is doing is or how insignificant it is, he doesn't like being interrupted. So, when his two closest commanders interrupt his meeting with the Governor of Faydar, the large town near Jamya, he hopes for their sake, it's for a good reason or they're going to have a serious problem.

He ignores the multiple trained guards with gleaming swords trailing behind him as he makes his way to the private meeting room. He finds them in the room, Hamza sitting quietly lost in thoughts with his eyes glazed over while Faris is pacing the room muttering incoherent words to himself.

Despite the tense atmosphere enveloping the room, he can't help the nostalgic memories that hit him of the three of them in similar meeting rooms, planning wars, making battle strategies and even celebrating their victories when yet another empire falls to their capable hands. They have been through so much together and they truly are the closest of friends.

"What is so important that you felt the need to interrupt my meeting?" Malik asks sarcastically, simultaneously announcing his presence. Before they have a chance to reply, he dismisses the guards that followed him into the room and plops into a comfortable chair.

The room is spacious with two large windows overlooking the garden outside and providing the room with enough light despite the light torches present in the room. A large table fills the centre of the room with multiple chairs surrounding it. Hamza and Malik occupy two chairs while Faris still paces the room.

"Will you sit down?" Malik mutters, sparing Faris a look. "All this pacing is making my head ache." Faris and Hamza share a knowing glance before Faris sits down. Both of them know the Emperor doesn't like repeating himself but neither of them answer his first question. "Did you call me here to fumble over your words and have nothing to say to me?"

Faris clears his throat but still doesn't speak up, glancing ever so often at Hamza who finally opens his mouth. "She rejected your proposal," he says softly, knowing what will happen if he actually tells the Emperor her exact words. Still, both commanders brace themselves for the outcome of the words.

"How dare she refuse my proposal?" Malik seethes, anger clouding his vision. No one dares to disobey him or go against his words, so who does she think she is to be able to go against him and reject his proposal. He can't remember the last time someone said no to something he wanted, something he set his eyes on. Her bravery both irks and amazes him.

Millions of girls out there, begging to be courted by him, begging for a single glance from him yet the one girl he needs to make his lifelong dream of conquering Meron has rejected his proposal. Him, the Emperor, the most powerful man on the planet. The girl doesn't know it but she's playing with forces beyond her kin.

"You need to calm down, Malik," Faris says nervously, trying to avoid the eyes of the livid Emperor. He can't manage those dark eyes boring holes into his.

"Does she know I can have her wiped off the face of the earth?" he asks rhetorically, glancing between the two commanders that are trying to calm him down. A cold laugh escape him as he thought of the different ways he could get rid of her. "I want to see her. I want to see the face of the girl who dared defy me," he surprises himself by saying it.

Hamza shudders involuntary, "Weren't you the one that wanted the proposal not to happen all along?" Despite being tougher than a beast and not being scared of anything, Malik's crazy moods slightly scare Hamza. Heck, they scare him more than he wants to admit despite being older than Malik. The Emperor can be viciously cruel when he wants to.

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