Game of thrones x Maze Runner

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I am Davina, the Queen of Westeros. I think of myself as a kind and gently ruler, but sometimes I will be cruel when I need to.

My second-in-commander Petyr Baelish has been noticing a new company called WCKED. People have been disappearing and that's scaring us. We know about this virus called the flare, but lucky for us we have a cure for it.

If WCKED found out we have a cure, there will be war. I've decided that I must have an alliance with these people.

I don't want a war. I sighed and placed my hood on. "My queen are you sure about this?" Petyr asked. I looked at him and smiled "I don't want to fight with these people" I told him.

I was unsure about these people's intentions. "Let me come with you please" My second-in-commander begged. I gave him a look "Petyr, Westeros will need you to watch over them when I'm gone. I won't be gone" I said.

He sighed and placed his hand on my cheek "my queen be careful" Petyr said. I smiled and nod "I'm always careful" I smirked.

My relationship with Petry is complicated.. I know he wants me and the iron throne. I decided to make him my second-in-commander, so he won't act out.

I may be falling for him and I'm scared. I sighed and quickly walked out of the castle. I'm going to check these people out and maybe get them to accept the alliance.


"It's the queen!"

"What is she doing here?!"

"Wow she's beautiful"

I heard people talking about me as I walk past them. I was in the last city and it was difficult getting inside. If the guards didn't see the royal crest, they wouldn't have let me in.

I walked up to a WCKED soldier "Excuse me. Can you tell me where I can find Ava Paige?" I asked the man, politely.

"Get los--" he started until he looked at me. He looked panicked "I-I'm so sorry your majesty. I apologize for my rudeness. I will take you to her" the soldier said, bowing.

I smiled at him and nod. I hate how people treat me like I'm special. But of course, I'm glad that people aren't rude to me.

We quickly walked towards a huge building with WCKED on it. "George tell Dr. Paige that the queen wants to talk to her" the soldier told a guard.

"My queen. I'll be right back" the guard said, bowing and running off. "My queen what are you doing here?" the WCKED soldier asked me.

"I would love to have an alliance with Ava. I don't want enemies" I told him. He was about to say something until a older women walked in.

I quietly gasped when I saw a man that looks like Petyr. "My queen. Welcome to the last city" Ava told me with a little bow. I smiled at him "Ava Paige. I would love to talk about an alliance with each other. Also I would love to show you guys around King's landing" I said with a smile.

Ava and the man looked at each other. "I would love having an alliance with you your majesty. Visiting King's landing sounds nice" the red hair said.

I grinned "shall we?" I said. I'm glad Westeros isn't far from the last city because this trip is going to be so awkward..


We arrived at King's landing and got out of the carriages. I found out the man who looks like my second-in- commander is called Janson. He is the A.D of WCKED.

I cleared my throat "Mr. Janson. I would love to tell you something before we go inside" I told the man. He looked at me "you and my second-in-commander look similar. You guys look like twins, so I don't want to alarm you" I said.

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