Y/N, a lively girl who had a sweet smile on her lips; this one incident seemed to have changed everything in her life. She neither smiled nor cried. That liveliness seemed to have left her.

Jimin started narrating:


Rose came to him after crossing the road.

"Sorry for being late", Rose said.
"It's okay", Jimin smiled.

They went inside the café and sat down.

"Yes, now tell me what is so important that you wanted to tell me?", Jimin asked.

Rose sipped her tea and then began," Jungkook and Y/N.  You know Eunji right? She is my best friend. One day, after JUNGKOOK's marriage, I paid a visit to Eunji's house. She was not looking the same one whom I used to know. It seemed she had gone through physical relationship with someone. I asked her but she denied to admit anything. After forcing her for a number of times, she finally said" :


"Haha..that Y/N. She is a fool!" Eunji said laughing hard.

Rose was looking at her with wide eyes.
"W-why will she be a fool?"

"Rose!!!... She believes Jungkook blindly. She thinks Jungkook loves her truly. Little does she know that Jungkook was never hers. Jungkook still loves me. You know..you know Rose, once a week, Jungkook comes here...and  we spend lovely moments with each other. I can't help myself but laugh at Y/N's foolishness".

"But Eunji, don't you think all that you two are doing is bad. I mean Y/N loves Jungkook truly..but-"

"What's wrong in this Rose! Jungkook loves me, so he has been making love with me. That's simple. He just married that dumbass, bitch Y/N to keep their parents' promise".

Rose couldn't believe her ears. Eunji had been doing all these.
Rose without any word left the place.

*flashback ends*

"What!!!", Jimin banged the table.

"Jimin, keep calm", Rose held his hand and looked around.

"But-but.. Y/N is being cheated by Jungkook!!! How could he do that!!! He used Y/N!!!"

"Jimin I understand".

"Y/N needs to be informed about all these".

"Yeah, but we need proof. She won't believe you if simply go and tell all these".

Jimin nodded his head.

"I have a plan", Rose said.


"What Eunji told me is that Jungkook will give an excuse of going to Seoul for business purpose. Actually, he will be going there to make out with Eunji. You better take Y/N there and show her. Bribe the receptionist and take the keys of their hotel room. I will keep a track of Eunji to know which hotel they would be in".

Jimin bit his lips and said, " Okay. I will do so. I cannot bear Y/N getting betrayed like this. She is nothing less than my own sister".

*Flashback ends*

"This is how I came to know about everything. I am sorry Y/N. I know this have hurt you deeply. But believe me, I didn't want you to hurt yo-" Jimin was interrupted.

"No Oppa. Whatever you have done, you have done absolutely right! I would have never known about his treachery if you hadn't shown me".

For the rest of the journey, nobody spoke.

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