"You're right, that's one hell of a weird request, but have at it." I pulled up the side of my shirt and pulled the hem of my pants down just a little bit to give him access.

Goosebumps formed fairly quickly as soon as I felt him tracing over the lashline of the eye, "Do you think it actually works as a protection charm?"

"I don't know, but it's definitely been good luck so far." I tilted my head back a bit as his hair cushioned me.

"Mmm, cute," he trailed his fingers further up my side, sliding under my shirt, "you can stop me if I'm making you uncomfortable."

"Mmm," I hummed, "I was more anxious when you were at my hip."

His fingers lightly danced over my skin, occasionally stopping to trace my tattoo. I was out within minutes.


I woke up suddenly at an ungodly hour of the night, Mika's arm was wrapped tightly around me, breathing slow and steady.

I looked over to my nightstand and saw a phone had lit up. I picked it up to check what someone needed this late at night only to realize that it wasn't mine.

Shit, I didn't really want to invade his privacy like that.

But, unfortunately, I was not illiterate. One glance at the words ok the screen and something in me dropped.

The text was from an unsaved number and read the following:

Found her. Hope he's worth what you're paying me for this shit.

Another text came through, this time it was an image. That should've been my cue to stop, but my curiosity and concern was only growing. I wanted to trust Mikaela, but my suspicions were becoming too loud and too probable to ignore.

I tried to open it only to see it was password protected. My mind felt fuzzy for a second, I knew the password. I'd seen him type it so many times.


I didn't know what it meant, but I knew that it was Mika's password and that was more than enough for me.

I felt shitty for a moment, but only for a moment. As soon as I saw the picture all guilt melted away.

The picture was the club owner, he was sitting in a chair, happily smiling at the camera. Something in the background was what caught my attention. In the very back of the picture you could see a piece of fabric, it was lime green and covered in what I really hoped wasn't blood.

"What the fuck?" I asked myself. I felt Mikaela shift behind me and threw his phone back on the night stand in a split second.

"What time is it?" Mikaela yawned.

"Around 4-ish." I said, hoping he couldn't hear my fear. His hand creeped up to my neck and I knew he could feel how hard and fast my heart was pounding and how shaky my breath was.

He pulled away from me instantly and was on the other side of the bed, looking me over, "Yuu, are you ok? Your hearts beating really really fast. Are you having another panic attack?" The concern he gave off was genuine, I could tell. All the way from how desperately he was trying to sound calm down to the way he was trying to keep his eyebrows from furrowing.

"I'm ok." I assured him.

He pulled me into a sitting position and rested his hands on my knees, "I would feel a lot better if we could take a few deep breaths together. Can you do that for me?" He asked.

"Yeah, yeah, we can do that." At this point, I might've actually fallen into a panic attack, so some deep breathes might be good.

"Ready? In," he held for a few counts, "and out. In... and out." He did that for a little bit longer while stroking his thumb encouragingly on my lower thigh.

"I'm ok now." I gave him a pat on the head.

He looked me over again and placed his hand to my throat to check my pulse once more, "I agree, you've calmed down," he still looked anxious though, eyes were blown wide in panic.

"Mika," I cupped his face and my skin crawled for more reasons than the cold, "I'm ok, I promise."

He whined and closed his eyes, leaning further into my hand, "Ok. I think I'm gonna be up for the day.."

"It's only been 3 hours, you don't need to be up for another 5." I said.

"I know, I- I just want to make sure you stay ok. If you start panicking I want to be able to be there immediately. I don't even know how long you were passed out in that office for and-" I covered his mouth with my hand.

"Please come back to bed." I smiled.

Mika debated silently with himself for a minute before inevitably agreeing to my request, "Ok... but please wake me up if something happens."

"I will." I assured him as he crawled back into bed, this time he was in front of me, forehead pressed flat against my chest.

Genuine emotion. He really fucking cared about me. He was much too erratic to have faked that. It made me feel... good. If I hadn't just seen what I'd seen I'd fall even deeper in love. Now I was just questioning if he was safe or not.

His phone dinged once more, and I felt my stomach drop.

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