Training in Tartarus

Start from the beginning

Percy gasped in horror, even with his seaweed brain he could've have guessed who was this, TARTARUS.

Tartarus smirked taking notice of Percy's mouth agape, "NOW WE WELCOME THE NEXT CHALLENGER, PERCY JACKSON!" Tartarus boomed.

Suddenly, Percy was shoved from the behind by a Scythian Dracaena, into the arena. Percy stumbled over and fell face first onto the cold, sharp floor of Tartarus. Percy got up and glared at the Dracaena before looking at his opponent.

Nyx smirked in amusement at her next challenger, "How weak," She thought.

Percy uncapped Riptide and circled Nyx before charging at her. Percy slashed at Nyx's face only to be stopped by a shadow, the shadow slammed into Percy's chest knocking him to the ground before picking him up and slamming him down to the floor repeatedly before finally knocking him towards the arena's wall causing him to spit out blood and teeth. Percy tried to get up, however to no avail, he couldn't. Percy had 2 ribs broken along with his ankle broken.

Nyx smiled with glee at her opponent as she slowly walked over to Percy dragging her sword against the arena, ready to decapitate him. Percy eyes widened and as last resort threw his sword towards Nyx with all his might. Nyx was caught by surprise by this act. Nevertheless, she knocked the sword off its trajectory with a simple flick of her hand causing riptide to fall on the ground with a Clank.

"Any last words?" Nyx asked her sword directly above Percy's bleeding face. Percy weakly gave a one finger salute to Nyx before smiling his plan was working.

"What are you smiling at? Happy to die!" Nyx roared in anger at the fact her opponent was happy.

Percy smiled before answering Nyx's question, "Why do you answer your own question? Or are you so lonely that you talk to yourself? I bet your mother disowned you for being such a loser."

"Why you..." Nyx never got to finish her question as Percy had reached into his pocket to retrieve Riptide and had slammed the hilt off his blade into Nyx's temple. Percy eyes closed as he listen to his ragged breath, he knew he was going to faint out of exhaustion, not wanting to please the crowd he pointed his middle finger at Tartarus before promptly fainting.

The crowd erupted into protests, Tartarus was shocked, "How did a mere demigod defeat one of the strongest Primordials?" Tartarus deciding to question the demigod later, snapped his fingers and flashed the two unconscious beings along with him, a primordial and a demigod to his palace.

Percy opened his eyes and gasped letting out a breath of air. He looked around and found himself tied up toa chair in a room. Percy uncapped riptide and slowly cut through the ropes using his mouth, holding the pen lid and the sword's handle. Once his hands were free, he slammed the door using his legs and went into a defensive stance scanning his environment. At once, he took notice of two deity's conversing, deciding to eavesdrop, Percy crouched down and hid behind a pillar,

"Do you think his worthy,"

"Yes, he's the Underworld's champion!"

"Wouldn't that make him arrogant like Heracles?"

"No- shush, someone's here!"

"You idiot! It's obviously the demigod."

"Demigod, you can come out!"

Percy reluctantly walked out of his hiding spot, holding Riptide in a defensive grip, "What do you want?" Percy asked cautiously.

"Well technically you're in my home so I should be asking you that?" One of the deity's replied.

Percy looked carefully at the two deity's before it clicked. They must be Nyx and Tartarus.

"Well, considering you tied me up to a chair not fifteen feet away from where you were talking, I think it's understandable that I decided to eavesdrop." Percy said dryly. Surprisingly, Tartarus let out a booming laugh.

"I like you, demigod. What is your wish?" Tartarus asked.

"I wish to be fully blessed by both of you." Percy stated nervously, thinking they would decline. Little did they know that both deities could see that his intentions were pure, and that he only wanted some of their power so he could hone his skills enough to be a competent Champion.

Before Percy realised what was happening, his vision was suddenly impaired by two colours- red and black. The pain was unbearable, and for a second he thought that they had killed him for his insolence.

Then, exquisitely before he was about to pass out, the pain stopped, replaced by a feeling of strength, speed, and confidence.

"You... actually blessed me?" Percy asked, shocked. He looked like he had just beaten the claw machine. Now, both Primordials smiled, the young demigod was beginning to grow on them.

"Yes, we did. Your intentions are pure, Perseus Jackson." Nyx told him.

"Well, most of them." Tartarus grinned as he saw what Percy wanted to do to Gabe with his new powers.

"No, I'd argue that it's still pure." Nyx joked. Percy looked at her in pure shock. "We do have senses of humour, you know." She chuckled. He quickly nodded.

"Here is a list of your powers." Tartarus handed him a piece of red paper.

Sombrakinesis (manipulation of shadows)

Shadow travel

Pyrokinesis (manipulation of fire)

Shadow rejuvenation (self-explanatory)

Ability to see someone's true desires.

Increased strength, speed, agility and brain power.

Skills especially enhanced at night.

Fire immunity

Retain hydrokinesis (manipulation of water)

Note- Despite these new abilities, you will always rejuvenate faster when using water, thus your control over water will be more extensive than over the others.

P.S- Your attractiveness will be increased- unavoidable, it's a rule of life. The more power you have, the better-looking you are.

"Wow..." Percy murmured. He couldn't help but blush at the last part. "Wait, so could you not say them out loud because of something really cool where you get struck down otherwise?" He asked excitedly.

"No, I just couldn't be bothered." Tartarus shrugged.

"Oh." Percy replied. "That's probably what I would do too, to be honest. But where will I train?"

"I see no reason why you cannot train here." Nyx shrugged, a hint of a playful smile gracing her features. "This house has everything you could possibly need."

"Everything?" Percy asked, an idea popping up inside his head.

"Yes, there are blue cookies." Tartarus sighed.

"Sold." Percy stated.

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