The training process

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"So...for ur first training lesson is.....Self defense...because before protecting others u of course still have to look out for ur self" cyan said.

"Oh sure.. Ah kinda already know some..tho who's gonna train me...? Are u..?" Applejack said with a friendly smile.

"About that...I'll call ur trainer if there free okay..?"cyan said.

"Sure!" Applejack said.

"Oh okay I understand yes...mhm... uh huh...right..okay...perfect see u then..?" Cyan while calling the trainer.

"So..?" Applejack asked

"My apologies..but the trainer currently is very busy so...we'll have to postpone ur session to next week..." cyan said in an apology tone.

"Well that's fine by me!" Applejack said in an 'that's okay' tone

Suddenly the whole room glowed red...applejack was confused and worried while cyan had a serious worried look on his face.

the alarm on the top of the ceiling lit red and made a sound *WOO WOO*

"Applejack follow me now!!" Cyan said in a serious tone

Applejack did as told. They went outside, she stayed behind cyan....but then she saw a bunch of people that had...powers..?!!! And wearing superhero suits..but in this case...Villain suits..?

She confused and scared.... cyan then grabbed a bracelet and said "sundown let's rise!" Cyan said and he started glowing but when it stopped he had a superhero suit on. It was a full body stretchable suit with the colors of a sunset and a little of cyan and with a mask that covered his upper face. It was pretty cool.

"W-What the" applejack mumbled

"Ur going down" the leader of the villain gang or whatever..Said.

"Go inside and say ur name to anyone u see, they'll know what to do!" Cyan said.

Applejack nodded and hurried back inside.
Okay... I'm supposed to pay attention to my online class- but I'm doing this... ._. ..... but any who I hoped u liked this part I'll be updating everyday or every 2 days, not sure, but yeah tell me what part u liked and if I should continue this chapter.. that's all for now..bye! :)

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