Chapter 3; School

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The story will finally begin to get longer, and sorry for taking so long! :(

Melody's eyes snapped open, and she gasped for breath as she recalled what she believed had been a dream. She rubbed her temples and her breathing slowed, enough so that she could think straight.

Melody remembered it being very real, but it had to have been a dream, because Pokemon didn't exist- right?

"Melody! Wake up! It's time to get ready for school," Melody's mother called from the kitchen.

Melody rolled out of bed and changed out of her pajamas, slipping on a simple tee-shirt and some jeans. She pulled on a pair of socks and her old, worn tennis shoes.

Then Melody brushed her teeth and rushed down the stairs. She caught a whiff of the most delicious aroma wafting from the kitchen, and ran even faster.

Melody skidded into the dining room and snatched up a plate of blueberry pancakes with a side of bacon. She wolfed down the bacon and devoured the pancakes in a hurry before grabbing her backpack and blasting out the door.

She just caught the early morning school bus with minutes to spare!


Melody hopped off the bus and glared at the building before her- school. She trudged through the front doors and walked slowly to her class room, Ms. Bruan's 4th grade class.

Melody stepped into the room and sighed with relief- there was no pop-quiz waiting for her.

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