chapter 7

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chapter 7- black and white niall horan

I didn't go back into the rink after the whole Sophia fiasco. Waiting for Calum and Sophia to leave, I sent Mike and Inez a text like "Hey she sucks im tired see you tomorrow" and that was that.

When I got home I ranted to moms about Sophia and they took it way better than I did.

"There's always been people like that Adwin, this won't be the first time, and it won't be the last,"

"Yeah I know, it still sucks though,"

The four of us were snuggled on the couch and it felt good to be surrounded by people who love me. Mom on one side and Momma and Ashton on the other.

Even though he wasn't their kid, legally or biologically, Moms absolutely adored ashton. And he adored them too. We even went on a family trip to Disneyland back in april to celebrate my coming home. He was like my unofficial big brother and he'll always be special to us.

As usual Ashton and I shared some tea before going to bed and just before our paths strayed from each other, Ashton took me in his arms. He was a bit taller than me and his chin rested on top of my curls. Ash was always so warm.

"Sweet dreams, Adwin,"

"You too Ashton,"

On Tuesday the next day, news of Calum and Sophia spread fast. Both debate club and cheer squad banded together to form a blockade around Sophia at all times. Calum didn't seem any different though. Apparently this was pretty normal for them and some kids were placing bets on how soon they'd get back together.

By some kids I meant Michael.

We were huddled at my locker where I was applying lipgloss in the mirror. Inez on the left and Mikey squished against her.

"I mean Inez cmon think about all the times they've broken up and gotten back together since sophomore year," Mike dragged out certain words and sighed as dramatically as he could. Our school also had a strict no pda policy but that didn't stop Mike from leaning his head on Inez's shoulder.

"And? We all saw the way Calum was staring at Adwin last night though, I think it's for real this time,"

I shut my locker and rolled my eyes.

"As fucking if Inez, shut the hell up,"

The three of us walked down the hall towards our respective classes and Inez bumped her hips with mine.

"I'm right and you know it,"

I'll admit, since I knew very first about Calum and Sophia splitting, it's plagued my thoughts the past few hours. Maybe just maybe I've thought about his cute smile. And pretty brown eyes. And very chiseled legs. And just maybe I let the thought cross my mind that I'd like to know Calum a little better. Maybe hangout again one on one. But I didn't wanna be that girl who moved on to a guy right after he breaks up with his girlfriend, like I was waiting or something.

"Shut the hell up Inez,"

I jogged around the entire campus searching for Calum. It was after school and he didn't say anything when he sat next to me in English. I didn't wanna burst his bubble quite then but over the course of the day a certain courage built up in me. My converse squeaked on the linoleum as I skid around the halls towards the gym. I knew boys soccer was practicing today and I had to catch him before they went outside.

Just as Mr.Hood himself pushed passed the loud red doors I shouted from down the hall.

"Wai- Wai- Wait! Calum!"

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