Chapter 1- No Thanks For the Bus Ride

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As everyone filed off the bus,they all thanked the bus driver for no reason. He did nothing but drive and play the annoying opera station on the radio. As I was making my way down the bus steps,I heard someone clear their throat. I turned and the bus driver was eyeing me as if I should say thanks to him.

"Oh right," I said. "No thanks for the bus ride that I did not want to go on." I smirked and stepped out of the bus.

The bus driver slammed the doors just as I stepped out. I smirked. I looked around the bus station,not hoping to see my aunt Kasey.

"Troy!" I heard a woman calling my name.

Damn it!

I slowly turned and spotted aunt Kasey. She looked the same from the last time I saw her when I was like nine. She had the same straight dark brown hair,skinny figure,and stern stare. Same ole overly religious aunt Kasey. I remember when I used to stay at her house as a kid,we'd literally go to church everyday. They had a lot of Bible studies at God's House Christian Church.

I slowly walked over to my aunt. She gave me a surprising warm,motherly hug. My mom hadn't hugged me since I was in the sixth grade,so I wasn't used to them anymore. I only got hugs from girls.

"Wow,it's been a while," Kasey said in her slight southern accent. "Ever since your dad's business rose and you guys got all of that money,you've barely come to visit."

I nodded in agreement. My dad owned his own publishing company (boring,right?), but it suddenly became famous when I was in the fifth grade just because they published some big,mystery novel or some boring crap like that. It's fun to be rich.

I grinned at the thought.

"Troy, are you ready to go?" Aunt Kasey asked.

"Huh?" I said. I'd been so caught up in the thought of money,that I hadn't noticed my aunt already making her way out of the station.

"Oh yeah,I'm ready," I said. I rolled my heavy suitcases out of the station and followed Kasey to a pick up truck. "Isn't this uncle Rob's old truck?" I grinned. I remember when I used to love taking rides with my uncle in his truck.

"Yep," Kasey said. "He was supposed to pick you up,but he fell asleep."

I chuckled. I put my suitcases in the bed of the truck without a struggle.

"You know, Troy, you've really grown since the last time I saw you," Aunt Kasey said as we both got in the car. She started it up and slowly backed up.

"Yeah, I've been working out for quite sometime," I said.

Aunt Kasey nodded.

"Your mom said you were also on the football team at your old school," she said. "You were captain of the team."

"Yep," I said.

"Lawrence Hill High has got a pretty good football-"

"Yeah, I only joined the football team 'cause the cheerleaders," I interrupted. I looked out my window as my aunt drove past a nerd girl exiting out of a book store. "And from the looks of it, it doesn't look like there's many of those out here." I snickered.

Aunt Kasey smiled.

"Now,your parents told me about what you did to your principal's daughter at your old school," she said with a soft chuckle. When it was ared light,she turned her head and glared at me. "I will not have any of that here,you hear? You will respect my rules,do you understand?"

I controlled my upcoming laughter and nodded.

"Yes, I understand," I said. "And the light's green."

Kasey glared and continued driving.

* * * * *

We arrived at the house about thirty minutes later. It looked the same. A large,old two

story designed around the 1900s. It had that country looking appeal to it that I had to admit that I missed. I wondered if it still had that lemon tree in the backyard. I used to make fresh lemonade with my cousin Dylan and we used to sell it for a dollar.

Aunt Kasey and I got out of the car. I shut the door and got my bags from the truck's bed. The front door of the house swung open and my uncle came running out.

"Well look who it is," he said coming up to me. He gave me a quick hug. "Sorry you had to be stuck in the car with Kasey for forty minutes," he whispered as Kasey walked inside the house. "I fell asleep."

"It's okay," I said.

Uncle Rob nodded and we headed into the house. When I walked into the house, I was greeted by the TV blasting gun shots and screams. There could only be one person in the house playing gory video games.

"Dylan, it told you to turn that TV down or off!" Aunt Kasey yelled from the kitchen. She had her hair up and was wearing an apron. She must be about to cook something.

I missed her food. Sure, I had a personal chef back home that made me anything I wanted, but it wasn't homecooked like my aunt's. Even before I got my own chef, my mom barely cooked.

"Sorry, no can do,Mom!" Dylan shouted. " I've got to kill two more people and I'll be moving on to the next level."

"What'd you say?" Kasey said,walking into the living room. She walked over to the TV and turned it off.

"Mom!" Dylan whined.

"Did you go to the book store and apply for a job like I told you to before I left?"

Dylan got a guilty look on his face.

"I was going to," he said slowly. "But-"

"But what, Dylan?" Kasey said. "You're twenty-four and still living here. Now go upstairs and show Troy his room."

"But he already-"

Aunt Kasey glared at Dylan.

Dylan sighed lazily and stood up. I gave him a weird look when I saw that he was only wearing underwear.

"Oh Lord!" Kasey sighed heavily and waved her arms in the air as she headed back to the kitchen.

I snickered. I walked as far behind Dylan as I could as we headed upstairs. We got to the old room where I used to sleep when I visited as a kid. It still looked the same. Plain and smelled of a green apple candle. The only thing that was different was a room across from my window that was decorated like a girl's room. It had a pink canopy bed. But there were posters of bands on her wall. A girl with wavy blonde hair then walked into the room, holding a bucket of vanilla ice cream. She had on those tiny shorts that cheerleaders wear under their cheer skirts,and a pink tank top. She was listening to her iPod and dancing around her room as she ate her ice cream.

"Dylan,who is that?" I asked my cousin as I walked closer to the window.

"Oh,that's Alexis Richmond," Dylan said. "She moved here two years ago. Her and her family will be coming over tomorrow for lunch after church."

I groaned. I forgot about church. Maybe I could pretend to be sick so I wouldn't go. But than again Alexis would be going. I licked my lips and grinned. I couldn't wait till the morning.

* Okay, I know, I know, it's not much,but the second chapter will be more better. That's when Alexis and her family come over for lunch ;) So please comment and vote! Thanks! And don't forget to enjoy! * :)

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