Chapter 5- I Run Football

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"Yes!" I shrieked. The sweet sound of the final bell made me jump out of my seat and rush outof my boring seventh period. I'll never understand the point in study hall.

"Tro Ho! "Kat's voice sing-songed from behind me.

I turned and saw her skipping over to me. She was wearing a tank top and mesh short shorts.

"Hey, " I said.

"Hey," she said.

"You going to volleyball practice?"

"Yep. You still trying out for that opening position on the football team?"

I groaned. I forgot about that. I might not even try out. Unless...

"Hey, where do the cheerleaders practice?" I asked, thinking of Alexis.

"On the field like the football players. Why?"

"No reason." I grin. "I guess I better go. Try outs are in thirty minutes."

"Alright, bye, Tro Ho," Kat said, winking.

I laughed and walked off. Since I didn't have Gym as a period, I didn't know where the locker romms were.

I sighed and turned a corner down the hall, bunping into someone on my way. I looked up and saw that it was Sean Collins.

"Sean," I say, grinning. "Long time, no see, right?"

Sean nods.

"Yep," he says.

"How's it going? I haven't seen you in years."

"Alright, I guess," Sean grumbles. "Look, I've got to get ready for football practice."

"Oh, cool, you're playing football. I'm trying out for that opening postion. What position is it anyway?"

"Wide reciever," Sean says.

"Ah, I guess I can deal with that. I was quarterback at my old school. What position do you play?"


* * * * *

Sean showed me to the locker room and it was crowded with football players getting changed. They all eyed me when I walked in. That Ryan guy was here as well. I had a feeling he was going to make my life here a living hell. But I could handle it.

A guy in his mid fifties walked into the room, chewing gum.

"Listen up!" he boomed over the voices that were talking.

The room quieted.

"Out of all you guys, those who are trying out for the opening position of the wide reciever, please step forward!"

Me and about six other guys stepped forward. From what I was seeing, I didn't have much competition. I grinned. This would be easy..hopefully.

After I was dressed in all the football gear, I headed outside to the field with the rest of the team. The guy who'd came into the locker room turned out to be Coach Branskon, the assistent coach. The head coach was a tall guy in his mid thirties who was chewing on a toothpick and had an intimidating expression. He ordered me and the other guys trying out to line up shoulder to shoulder with each other.

"My name is Coach Griffin," he said, pacing in front of us, his arms crossed. "Letting you know ahead of time, I don't allow sissies on my team. If you wanna be a Cougar, you've got to act like one. Fierce, undefeatable, strong, hard working, fast, and intimidating! Right, boys?" He turned to look at the rest of the team.

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