"There's nothing to be embarrassed about. I'm kind of relieved. Lately just being with you doesn't seem like enough. I can't stop thinking about you. Your eyes, hair, lips.." His tone sends you into a small stir. It's so entrancing. 


Where did this side of him come from?

"Yes." you gripped at his arm. Closing your eyes.

"Y-You can."

"I can, what?" He was obviously teasing.

"Touch me. I want you to touch me Bee.." His engine reeved slightly.

The hand that reached down and slid between your thighs had your head spinning. Your fingers were digging into the metal of his hand as you tried to remain calm. You whimpered slightly. With your already lacking clothing, you could feel everything. His fingers were cold, but the moment it touched your most sensitive area, your entire body set aflame. Bumblebee was watching, studying every little sound you made, quick breath you took. He was getting pretty heated himself. Your breathless expression was so arousing. He wanted more, needed more. His free hand groped your chest softly and you moaned out his name.

"This is incredible." He whispers. You were shaking in pleasure with every stroke of his hand to your core. You bit down on your lip, trying to stifle your moans.

"It's okay, you don't have to keep it in (Y/N), I want to hear you. Does it feel good?"

It felt amazing. If only you could put that into words. You settle for a half nod.

"I love you like this (Y/N), you're so submissive it's adorable."

Another helpless whimper left your lips as you bucked.


You gasped, rolling unto the floor with a thud.

Looking up, your eyes were wide.

"N-No way..." you did not just do that.

"Oh shit."

You had a wet dream, about Bumblebee.

"I'm screwed. "

That you were.


Waking up the next morning was a struggle. You twisted and turned in bed, and at the end, you only managed to get two hours of sleep. The blaring alarm clock on your dresser made you groan, rolling over.

"I really hate school." This was the worst way to start Monday morning. Standing up begrudgingly, you started your morning routine, dreading what was about to await you.


"What's got you so cranky." you turned to your friend, opening your eyes a bit wider and she just started laughing. "You look like you haven't slept in weeks, what happened?"

"Had a weird dream." There was no way you were going to tell her you had a sexual dream about your alien robot friend who you were hopelessly crushing on.

"Stop watching those crime shows before you go to sleep. I keep telling you but you never listen."

If only she knew.

With a long sigh, you gripped your bag, pulling it over your shoulder. At least school was over. You barely made it through the first period. If not for the nap you took at lunch, you would have been out the rest of the day. Walking in step with your friend, your eyes drifted to the yellow vehicle parked outside your school.

"Hey (Y/N)!"

The window rolled down, and Sam grinned at you. Mikaela was in the passenger seat, wearing a smile of her own.

"Hey guys what's up?"

The both of you went to different high schools, so it wasn't unusual for him to stop by every now and then.

"Bee was getting a bit impatient, so I decided to just come pick you up." Your heart skipped. Your friend nudge your hand with a smile, in which you returned with an eye roll.

"See you later (Y/N)~" She really did remind you of your mother sometimes. You waved her off, opening the door as you slid into the seat. The door closed and Sam pulled off. The conversation was light, you added in a word every now and then just to let them know you were invested, but your mind was elsewhere. You slumped a little in the seat. Just staying awake in class was a challenge. You were exhausted.

"Can I touch you (Y/N).." 

Your eyes flew open. You couldn't even close your eyes anymore. You folded your hands on your lap, trying to steady your breath.

"Don't make a scene, calm down, calm down."

"You alright back there?" Sam watched you from the rear view mirror. Mikaela turned, and you were positive she noticed the flush in your cheeks. "I...I.." you couldn't even speak properly.

"It's a girl problem isn't it?" Mikaela interrupted. You were confused for a second, but the look she sent you, you knew she understood what was happening somehow.

"Y-Yeah, these cramps are torture." Sam grimaced. "Enough said. Bee, step on it." He didn't even question it. You smiled at Mikaela appreciatively, mouthing your thanks.

The ride went by faster, and when you stepped out of the car, Mikaela followed. "I'm gonna help (Y/N) Sam." He nodded. "Do what you gotta do." You could tell he just didn't want the details. It was funny how childish he was when it came to that stuff. She kissed him goodbye.

"B-Bye Bee." you mumbled.

"Later." you didn't need to be a genius to know he was disappointed. He was obviously looking forward to spending the evening with you. All that was running through your mind, there was no chance that would happen. You could barely survive a car ride, you weren't sure you could sit through a conversation with him without those images flashing in your head. Opening your front door, you headed straight for your room, Mikaela behind you trailing silently. Inside your room felt like your own little safe space, and the moment you dropped your bag, she was watching you with a smirk.

"Okay spill, tell me everything."

"W-What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb, you were blushing in the car, and I'm one hundred percent sure it wasn't because of Sam. "

So she did realize. You were honestly praying she would assume you were crushing on Sam.

"Would you believe me if I said he's kind of cute?"

She looked unimpressed. "Nice try, now spill. "

You fell backwards on the bed covering your face.

Mikaela's face lit up. "Oh my goodness you have a thing for Bumblebee!"

"Shhh not so loudly!" you almost fell off the bed for the second time that day.

"You have to tell him, I can tell him if you want."

"No! No one's saying anything especially after that dream I had."


"Oh..my goodness." Mikaela mouthed. You groaned.

"You had a dirty dream about him!!"

"AHHH!! Would you keep your voice down woman!!"

There was a whole lot of talking after that. The biggest reason behind your fear of anyone finding out was more because you thought they would judge you. Bumblebee was a robot, yet to you he just felt so human like that you barely paid mind to the rough exterior. He didn't even have a beating heart, but he held the power to make yours go into overdrive with just a look. You were hopelessly in love with him.

How would you hide that?

Bumblebee Fanfiction-(Transformers)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora