Chapter 4

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"Did I oversleep again?" 

You squint, raising your head from your pillow. You almost jumped at the sight of the Autobot sitting in your room. 


You covered your mouth when you realized how loudly you said that. Running to the door, you locked it before turning back to him.

"W-What are you doing, how did you even get in with no one seeing." 

Looking out the open window, you realized it was still pretty dark. You just sighed. He was sitting with his legs pulled to a side. Because of his size, and the lack of room, there wasn't much space for him to spread out.

"I missed you sport." you couldn't be mad after he said that. It was only a weekend and he was already lonely. 

"I'm surprised Sam never notices when you sneak away. Then again he's probably used to it by now."

Bumblebee was just sitting attentively, looking at you with those curious blue eyes. Now that he was just staring at you, it made you a little self conscious. You hadn't exactly prepared for his arrival. All you had on was a tank top and a pair of shorts. You tugged at the shirt, looking down at your feet nervously.

"(Y/N)." you looked up at the sound of his call. He held out his hand for you. Stepping forward a bit hesitant, you took his hand. He guided you to the spot right between his legs, and you followed, sitting down. With your back to his chest, you tried to keep your eyes forward. Your nerves were on end.

"Bee you...when did you get your voice fixed?" you needed to make some type of conversation to keep your mind occupied, that seemed like the best topic. He sounded so different when he said your name, with no help from the radio it appeared.

"Ratchet has been helping me, do you like it?" you nod, turning slightly to look up at him.

"Mhmm, it suits you." He sounded like a regular teenager. Yet still slightly mature.

"I've been learning a lot of things while you've been away (Y/N)." you raised a brow.

"Really, like what ?"

"Like the way humans interpret things compared to us. On cybertron we form bonds through our spark. It connects us. " He pointed to his chest. 

"Physically, we don't have a heart, so there are still a few parts that I'm trying to understand. Like pain, pleasure.." you swallowed. Was it just you or did he say that part pretty seductively.

"O-Oh, well that's r-really cool Bee." 

Why were you getting so worked up, you were imagining things. There's no way that Bumblebee was trying to come unto you. That was ridiculous.

"Can I ask you a question (Y/N)?"

"Yeah sure, hit me."

"Can I touch you?" you almost choked.

"T-T-Touch me!"

His hand came down, metal fingers resting on your knee. You were so small compared to him. The thought of him touching your body didn't scare you, more like it excited you. That's what sort of scared you.

"Are you afraid of me?"

"N-No of course not, it's just that I-I...well I.." you stammered, not sure how to phrase it.

"You've never been touched by anyone." your cheeks burned. You weren't sure how to deal with your embarrassment, so you just buried your face into his chest plates, nodding slowly. A deep chuckle echoed throughout the room, and hell it was definitely the sexist thing you'd ever heard.

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