His Butler & Maid, That Day 1000 Years Ago

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The young demon felt his chest throb. What was this foreign feeling? It was like a thousand herds of horses thundering across his chest. His crimson eyes were wide as he looked at the angel. Her white gold wings were spread majestically, the feathers catching on the ray's of sunlight and almost blinding him like a mirror. Her dress was made of beautiful white silk, with highlights of gold, pink and lavender. The colors of her second name were prominent. Aurora. Like the dawn. Malphas noticed her bare feet, perfect as the rest of her. Then her golden slippers set neatly upon the nearby rock. Then back to her. She was beautiful. He didn't know why he felt this way, he couldn't fathom it. Time resumed, and Angelica tackled him with a blissful laugh. As he lay on his back in the bright green grasses, he found himself looking in to her eyes, speechless. When she noticed he stopped, she to stared into his eyes with curiosity. 

His crimson burned like the raging fires of Hell. 

Her silvery blue looked like the cool water of the lake and the silver hint like the beauty of Heaven.

His hand came up to cup her face, his calloused hand rested upon her smooth skin. Her breathing had picked up now, she didn't know what was going on. Malphas felt his own pick up as he caressed her face. Beautiful. That was the one word that came to mind.






He kissed her then. His lips met hers in a soft, passionate kiss. She melted into his arms and sighed, wrapping her arms around his neck. He rolled them onto their sides, pulling apart their mouths as he did. They were both breathing heavily. Angelica Aurora was staring at him. Shock in her silver blue hues. 


Her voice was soft, and the demon's hand found their way to her hair, threading through the light blonde tresses. 


He couldn't bare to say anything else. The exchange of their names and the look in each others eyes was more than enough. They condemned themselves in that moment. They'd met many times before, for nearly a thousand years at this point. But now, on the anniversary of the day they met exactly one thousand years prior, they finally fell in love.

After that, each meeting was more and more damning. The more they met, the more danger they put themselves in. They had long since past caring if they were found out. It was one of those days where they would sit and have a picnic by the lake, in each others embrace and laughing like the best of friends. Their romance was limited of course, neither was sure they were ready for such a commitment. They were still young. And love at such a young age is often foolish.

Especially for demons and angels. Things became shaky once Malphas felt himself begin to loose control. He hadn't been on a contract in a while. And a hungry demon is not a good thing. He felt himself loosing control when he felt drawn to Angelica's soul. He was about to kiss her, when he noticed his demon instincts try to control him. He pushed her away and told her to stay away. He remembered the hurt in her eyes as he explained his predicament. He promised her he would return. She offered to join him, but the idea was quickly shot down. He promised her again his return, bowed to her and placed a chaste kiss on her hand, then bide her adieu. 

Angelica spent the next twenty seven years in Heaven, reminiscing on her time with the demon and longing for his return. It was noticed the young Arch seemed to have a mood change. She had been utterly miserable for the first year or so, then as the years went on, she grew happier. Knowing that she would soon see her demon friend once again. 

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