"Oh. You like someone, Midoriya? I thought . . ." Tsu's voice trailed off as she looked between the green haired boy and the bubbly girl.

"Oh, no! No, no!" Midoriya's hands flailed in a few wild gestures as he explained at Uraraka and him were not a thing. "I, well, I like dudes . . ." He muttered, twisting his fingers. "But specifically Todoroki."

"Oh." Tsu stared blankly and placed her index finger on her mouth and nodded, her brain connecting the dots. "I suppose that makes sense. You do seem rather flustered around him."

Uraraka giggled once more, walking away proudly to play air hockey with Iida and ignoring Midoriya's curious gaze. She was not in the mood to deal with him, despite her doing the exact same thing to him.

"Yeah," Midoriya managed, though it was more like a squeak than a proper word. He knew logically, Tsuyu wouldn't care if he were gay, but it didn't make it any easier to say. Especially considering she was only the second person he'd told.

"You should tell him. He looks at you different." And with that, she was off and leaving a very confused Midoriya alone, joining the others for a game of lazer tag.

* * * * *

"All Might," Midoriya started, though he hesitated.

"What is it, young Midoriya? You know I can answer any of your questions about One For All, or—"

"No, no! It's not that." The boy mumbled to himself, his nerves getting the best of him. He'd managed to get All Might alone, sitting on the same beach he'd trained for months at. But, now that he was there—well, it was anything but easy.

He couldn't back out now, though, so he took a deep breath and continued. "How do you ask someone out?"

Midoriya watched as All Might processed this, the man's thin lips parting slightly in his realization. "Ah, I see. Well, you know I've been more focused on my hero work, so I wouldn't exactly know very much about the subject." He paused, not wanting to say the wrong thing. "I'd tell her how you feel, maybe if you want to go on a proper date find a nice place and ask her about going. Make your intentions and feelings clear, some people are kind of . . . oblivious."

Midoriya nodded, thinking this did make sense. But, there was still a small problem.

"Well, about that—they're—he's—" This was a lot harder than it was with Tsu. "I don't like girls," he finally spat out, barely glancing up from the floor to see All Might just as confused as before, if not more.

"I see. I apologize then, I shouldn't have assumed—I just thought there was something with you and Uraraka." All Might smiled, unable to hold himself back. He had been caught off guard, but his chest swelled with pride at the fact that Midoriya trusted him enough to tell him this.

Midoriya giggled, feeling heat in his cheeks once more. He sure did blush a lot. "No, no, she likes someone else. Well, I haven't properly asked, but she's not exactly subtle. He's just clueless." Iida, All Might figured. He did pay some attention to his other students. "Though, uhm," Midoriya continued to laugh at the thoughts popping in his brain. "We did date for a while. Like, a week. We never got to the telling anyone part."

All Might laughed at that, tasting the slightest bit of blood on his tongue. "I see. Well, then, who—ah, never mind. I shouldn't be asking a student—"


Well, that certainly caught All Might's attention. It wasn't surprising, per se, but it was surprising that Midoriya had spit it out so quickly.

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