Love Advice

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      "Hey, Shoto? You okay?"

Todoroki's head snapped up, then back down when he realized that it was Izuku speaking to him and he had four inches on the boy.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just zoned out for a moment," he responded, his voice steady despite the realization he'd just had. He could feel his hands begin to tremble, quickly shoving them in his pockets.

"Oh. Okay!" Midoriya seemed to buy it, at least enough for Todoroki to slip away by the third round of the game. He quickly made his way through the crowded space and got back to U.A. within an hour. Somewhere along the way, he felt his phone buzz the familiar pattern he'd set for Midoriya, but he didn't check until he was tucked away safely in his Japanese-themed dorm room.

Hey, Shoto? Did you leave early? I can't find you.

He debated if he could get away without responding, but quickly realized his mistake. He'd opened the message. He couldn't leave Midoriya on read, so he sent a reply. yeah, I did. felt a little sick. im okay, though

Ding. Oh, okay! I'll ttyl then?

Another ding. And I hope you get better soon, ofc!

Todoroki smiled. At least he wasn't in love with love with an asshole of a guy.

Well, he was still in love with . . . Well, a guy.

He shook his head and shot back a text. ofc, ill ttyl. probably tomorrow, yeah?

Yeah, sounds great! Gn

Todoroki paused, waiting for the typing symbol to disappear. It did, briefly, so he began to type his reply only for it to appear again. Was this an accident, or was Midoriya doing this on purpose? He didn't know.

"Uraraka! Give me my phone!" Midoriya screeched, nearly hopping over the air hockey table table in his attempt at grabbing the obnoxiously red phone.

"No! If you're not making a move, I'm doing it for you!" The round-faced, bubbly girl couldn't hold back her giggles, quickly typing something up and hitting send. She grinned as she held the phone back out, an evil glint in her eye that Midoriya didn't understand until he saw the simple message that made his jaw hit the floor.


A heart?

How ironic, considering Todoroki's was about to burst.

What did he do? Send one back? This was friendly, right? It had to be, Midoriya couldn't like him back. He clearly had something with Uraraka, with how touchy they were. And he blushed whenever she said certain things.

He sighed, typing the heart back and pausing with his thumb over the send button. He cringed as he pressed send, smacking his phone face-down on the bed and groaning into his pillow. He really hoped that was the right move to make.

"What'd he do? Tell me!"

Uraraka shook Midoriya's shoulders rather aggressively, earning a loud, "Hang on!"

Midoriya stared at the screen, really not believing that he'd gotten a heart back. Once the realization hit, he was grinning ear to ear and squealing like a child. "He sent it back!"

"Who sent what back?" Tsuyu asked, a slight twinge of curiosity in her tone.

"His crush!" Uraraka sang, giggling like a little girl. "I stole his phone and sent them a heart since he was too scared."

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