SS Trip

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SS= Simp Squad- Kate Capris, Sparrow Malfoy, Draconian Clawed, and Kayla Potter

This is something I started making for an assignment... before I realized I had a page limit.

Adult Book Spoilers

Hey! My name is Sparrow Malfoy! I live in England in a nice house just outside the Dark Forest in a flower field with my three spouses; Kayla, Draconian, and Kate.
We had all agreed to go to America this summer, so we picked a week that each of us was free. June 20th was the start of it.

Morning of June 20th

"Guys! Get uppppp!" I hear Kate's voice yell from downstairs.

I reach beside me to see if Kayla's still there. I feel around the bed without opening my eyes and realize she's not.

"Kayl-la..?" I mumble, opening my eyes.

I turn over, sitting up and seeing her curled up on the floor asleep.

'Poor Kayla.. Ever since... I shouldn't think about it. Today will be a good day! This whole week will!' I think to myself.

"K-Kayl-la!!" I call out while rolling off the bed next to her.

"Hm..? Spar... morning.." She mumbles, half asleep.

I sit up again.

"C'mon, Kayl-la! T-today's the da-day!" I say, excited, and she shoots up to her feet, clearly excited as well.

"Well, let's go then!" Kayla says enthusiastically.

I stand up and run down the stairs with Kayla following me.

"Dragon!" Kayla shouts as she jumps off the second stair, wrapping her arms around Draconian's neck.

The dragon quickly wraps its arm around her so she doesn't fall, and she, in turn, wraps her legs around its waist, hugging it.

Dragon is Draconian's nickname, but I hardly use it.

"Really, Kayla?" Draconian says, and Kayla just giggles.

"Morning, P-Prince." I say while walking past Draconian and into the kitchen.

"Morning, King." Draconian replies while setting Kayla down.

Draconian used to call me 'princess', but when I told them I was a male, it started calling me 'king' and even bought me a binder! Which was really sweet, and I appreciated it a lot.

"Hey! Where's my morning?!" Kate asks, acting offended.

I turn to her and stay silent for a couple of seconds, then reply in a teasing tone, "M-morning, idiot."

"Hey!" Kate shouts and starts running towards me.

I run into the living room and jump on the couch, watching her make it to the couch while Kayla giggles and Draconian just watches.
Kate tackles me, and the couch falls back with us.
When we land, I land with my back against the flipped couch with Kate's arms on either side of my head to keep herself up. She then sits up, so she's sitting in my lap.

"K-Kate, no!" I say, giggling as she starts tickling me.

"Don't call me an idiot!" She says while still tickling me.

"I-I'm sorr-ry! Help me!" I shout while giggling.

I hear Kayla's giggling turn into laughter.

"How do I deal with you guys?" Draconian sighs.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2023 ⏰

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