𝙕𝙤𝙚 𝘿𝙤𝙣𝙖𝙝𝙤𝙚

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This story will always be in y/n's pov unless I change it or say "Billies POV"
"Who is that?", Billie asked me.

"Who Zoe don't try a hoe?" I asked Billie as she nodded her head clueless

I laughed and covered my mouth.

"Omg that's an inside joke me and Zoe have, my bad."

"Nah you're good, yeah I can call her over", Billie said grabbing her phone.

"Ok, I'm gonna go change", I smiled looking at her getting off the bed.

She nodded her head and got up herself and looked at herself in the mirror.

"Fuck it I'm gonna just wear  some shorts and a big ass shirt." She mumbled to herself.

I grabbed a pair of clothes out of my suitcase and left her room to go to the hallway bathroom and change.

"You don't wanna change with me?", Billie asked pouting as she saw I was going to the bathroom to change .

I rolled my eyes and scratched my head.

"I'll be back Billie", I said before closing her room door.

I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face before putting on my clothes.

I did my hair and looked at myself in the mirror to make sure I looked ok.

Once I was sure I went back in Billies room to see she was already dressed.

"Finally, I need to pee", she said pushing past me out her room to go to the bathroom.

I rolled my eyes , closed her door and sat on her bed.

I got on TikTok and lost track of time until I heard someone open her bedroom door.

"I HEARD MY OTHER BEST FRIEND WAS HERE SO I HAD TO COME AS SOON AS POSSIBLE." I heard Zoe say before she ran and hugged me.

"Zoe don't try a hoe, i missed you bitch", I said to her while in the hug.

She pulled back and looked at me.

"You grew boobs!!", Zoe exclaimed.

"Haha yeah", I said looking down at myself.

"Y'all are loud as fuck", Billie said walking in the room.

"Billieeee", Zoe said going to give Billie a hug.

The both hug each other for a while before pulling away.

"So fill me in, what's been going on these last couple of day?" Zoe asked us.

Me and Billie glanced at each other before we told Zoe everything.


"Wait so you're telling me , you two are like a thing?", Zoe asked.

"Well we're going slow but I guess you could say that", I said and Billie smiled at that.

"And.. a bitch named liyah could possibly ruin your career?" So asked now talking to Billie.

Billie nodded

"Well only because she put a fucking camera in my closet"Billie said getting upset all over again.

"It's ok Billie we'll sort it out when she gets here. I said try to calm her down.

"Wait she coming here today ?" Zoe asked.

I nodded my head.

"Tell that bitch to come now I wanna see her."Zoe said smiling


We goofed and joked around for hours without even realizing it.

"Bitch give me back my wig", Billie yelled at Zoe.

Zoe had the wig Billie wore at the Grammys on imitating her.

"This is what you should've did Billie." Zoe told Billie.

"I'm Hannah Montana", Zoe laughed while ripping Billies wig off her head.

I was dying on the floor.

Billie rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

"I wanted to do that", she mumbled.

Me and Zoe both laughed until we couldn't breath.

Knock knock

"Who is it?" Billie asked whoever was knocking on her bedroom door.

"Liyah." I heard liyah call out.

My heart dropped to my ass.

"Come In yo.", Billie called back.

Liyah walked in and closed the door and sat on Billies bed.

"Hi, I'm liyah", liyah said introducing herself to Zoe .


Liyah nodded her head.

"Liyah can I see your phone real quick?" I asked .


"I wanna show them a picture of us that we took at that party on your phone."

She then handed me her phone.

I then hurried and got up and ran out the room and threw it in the toilet.

"What the fuck?!!"Liyah screamed running after me.

"You put a camera in Billies room", I pointed my finger in her face.

She didn't say anything for a moment.

"Why?!!!", I screamed at her.

"You picked her.."

"What?" I said now frustrated.

"You picked her not me." Liyah said tears pouring down her face.

"She's been my best friend since we were babies",I yelled.

"Oh shut the fuck up y/n can't you see I like you".

I stopped and looked at her.

She then smashed her lips on mine.

I pushed her off.

"Stop!" I yelled at her.

Billie ran in the bathroom grabbed liyah by her hair and dragged her out of the house.

Zoe came and hugged me.

"Want me to fuck her up?" Zoe asked rubbing my back.

I laughed and wiped away my tears.

I then shook my head.

I heard liyah scream from outside.

"Fuck you, y/n I'm selling all of your shit", she spat.

Billie came back to the bathroom and put her hands on both sides of the door.

"Bitches be bonkers", she breathed out.

I hope you guys are loving this story as much as I am<3

𝙈𝙮 𝘽𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙙𝙚 𝘽𝙖𝙗𝙮 Where stories live. Discover now