"You're crazy," I replied. Cole opened the cabinet in front of him and rummaged through it as I figured out how to use his shower and climbed in, pulling the curtain.

"You don't listen to music while you shower?" Cole asked.

"No. I'll have a dance party if I do," I respond, grabbing some of what I assumed was his sister's shampoo off the shelf, globbing some into my hand.

"Well, I guess it's time for a dance party," Cole mumbles. I hear the sound of his speaker turning on and internally groan.

Cole liked every single genre of music imaginable. So I never knew what I was going to get.

Bad at Love by Halsey came on with a whoosh and I nearly giggled out loud. It was one of my favorites.

I sang along, moving side to side, as song after song poured into the bathroom. It was getting louder and louder.

Cole's voice peeked over the music, "Can I join you now?"

I laughed at the childish tone and peeked at him from the curtain, waving him over.

Excited, he stripped and climbed in next to me.

"Now we can have a dance party together!" he exclaims in that deep voice. I loved it so much.

I laugh and turn to face cole, pulling his face down to kiss him on the cheek.

"Thank you for cheering me up," I respond. Cole kisses me gently and caresses my face,

"Anytime, baby. Now let's get that soap off of you before it gets in your eyes, yeah?" he says, 

I let Cole wash my hair and some of my body, such as my back before I turn and do the same for him, although he had to get on his knees so I could wash his hair. 

He smirked as I rinsed his hair.

"What in the world are you smirking at?" I ask. He shrugs and suppresses a laugh, biting his lip.

I looked down and realized he was head to my stomach.

"I'm in between two good options is all," he remarked. I gently and playfully slapped the top of his head as he bellowed, laughing.

He gently grasped my waist and stood up, flipping me around, pressing my back against the shower wall, kissing me lightheartedly.

"Not my fault you're like a dessert," he mumbles against my lips.

I blush and giggle as he peppers kisses on my cheeks and back to my lips, tickling my skin.

"It's probably the chemicals I rub into my skin," I mutter as he kisses me again.

Cole pulls away and presses his forehead against mine with yet another smirk.

"I can guarantee that what I'm talking about isn't chemicals,"

I push him away again with a laugh as he leans in, kissing me over and over and over.

"You're a pain in the ass," I laugh as he kisses my neck. 

"I know," he says, getting on his knees again in front of me.

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